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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. Knee concerns are too much. Also, he's a linebacker.
  2. I'd be happy with a playoff appearance at this point, but I'll take a Lombardi any way I can get it. No need to be greedy like the Patriots.
  3. Honestly, I think the NFL has to come up with some sort of compensation for non-football injuries like that in regards to the draft. The Giants essentially wasted a 3rd round pick through no fault of their own. Maybe get a compensatory pick at the end of the round they were drafted in.
  4. Sephiroth


    Well, there's one way to go if he has trouble grasping with that hand...
  5. I think if you have a top-ten pick, you pick a guy who's going to be the best on the team at his relative position. If you're talking about OBJ as your 1A and Coleman as a 2A I could buy this, but I don't think you take him unless he has a similar talent ceiling as a #1 WR... you just don't take the best #2 guy with a top ten pick.
  6. Definitely succeed. I want him to be the best GM in the league, he's just not giving me much confidence to ever be that.
  7. I think Pugh could be the new David Diehl. Not great any anything, but pretty good at everything.
  8. Note: he actually DIDN'T participate in Wellman's program! No injuries among those guys!
  9. I've heard that guy definitely has some weird shit going on. He wants to get a pet panther with his signing bonus first thing (who does that), and lived with his football coaches in High School for a while. Definite red flags.
  10. If there's one thing I know, it's that we're not taking a linebacker.
  11. Sephiroth


    Yeah but that thumb looks pretty fucked up too...
  12. Same thing happened in Jacksonville with the same trainer, and the one year Palmieri was in New Orleans that team was the most injured as well. Seems like a no-brainer but hey, loyalty.
  13. I just hope Odell can act like an adult for those two games. That was flat-out embarrassing last year.
  14. Is it just me or does Darron Lee look more like a safety than a linebacker?
  15. I hope he can stay healthy, and who knows... with a post-1957 strength program maybe he can. I'm not holding my breath though.
  16. So if we totally bomb this year, next year Cowher can trade out of the #1 overall pick and pick up two firsts!
  17. Probably for a QB, no? If so, this is great news. Only 7 picks to worry about before us.
  18. I just did a completely unnecessary somersault in celebration!
  19. "Josh Brown?" What's his middle name? "Ain't?"
  20. I hear they're targeting Thomas Lewis in the first.
  21. That's some fine fucking work the Maras have done, huh? Thirty year waiting list to a 60% capacity stadium.
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