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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. I'm no expert, but aside from the neck photo, those bruises aren't consistent with domestic abuse.
  2. JR has been a pretty pedestrian GM lately, but there's no denying that 2007 class helped the Giants immensely. Ross, Smith, Alford, Boss, Johnson, and Bradshaw all made huge contributions in the second half of the season, when Palmieri's stellar conditioning program had a third of our team injured as usual. JR has his problems but that draft class was awesome.
  3. Coaching tree is crap I agree... unless the goal is to leave with a coach and program in place. If TC was 50 it wouldn't be in the conversation, but he's only got 5 years tops left in the tank and it's not like a successful franchise is likely to hire him. I'd think if he's hired it's to build a program and change the culture as much as it is to win a championship.
  4. That's a really interesting concept. On one hand, he knows how to build a winner and make a team competitive, and can definitely change the culture of a franchise. On the other, you'd have to think he'd be done after 4 or 5 years, and it's not like he's had a great coaching tree... who does he leave you with? If I was, say... the Browns, it's a no-brainer. If the franchise has a history of winning I'm not so sure.
  5. He'll get in, but it won't be first ballot and it won't be for a long time. He's got a lot working against him: He's the "worse" Manning. There are many QBs this generation that are peeceived to be better (Brees, Brady, Rodgers,Rapistberger, etc). He's only made two Pro Bowls (totally dumb, I know). He's from New York. WE all know what a great QB he is but I'm not sure others do. We're talking about a committee that made Harry Carson wait... what? 25 years? That guy had eight Pro Bowls and a ring. Even Michael Strahan was second ballot so that Warren Fucking Sapp could get in. Phil Simms is still waiting. Another ring would definitely change all of that... I think he'd still be denied first ballot because the AP are pricks but it'd be tough to deny it to him for long.
  6. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000674312/article/desmond-bryant-tears-pectoral-muscle-has-surgery Great news for the rest of the NFC.
  7. You can still hear him on Big Blue Kickoff Live. He's by far and away the best former player on there, and might be the best overall.
  8. Another way for the NFL to make you buy stupid shit.
  9. I read that they didn't want to have to give him an injury settleme t for releasing him before he had recovered from offseason surgery.
  10. The Cowboys will probably sign him.
  11. I really liked him when he was a free agent about five years ago, but to be fair, we did have Mark Herzlich on the team so we didn't need a Pro Bowl caliber MLB.
  12. I'm not sure having use of your two weakest fingers is a marked improvement over the club, but I guess we'll see. As someone who played football in high school I can tell you that having use of both hands is very important.
  13. And he had trouble tackling... one sack in eight games. He was disruptive for sure, but that's a pretty bad statistic.
  14. My concern is that once lineman realize he only has one functioning hand, they'll probably start to hook or pin his other arm. I think his days at RDE are probably over but he might still be effective at LDE since his good hand is his outside one at that spot. Still though... there's no way he's taking down the Cam Newtons of the league if he's trying to grab with that right hand.
  15. Well, yeah... that's a highlight reel. They're not going to show all thw times he couldn't wrap somebody up. Not saying he still won't be a good player but he's definitely working at a pretty serious disadvantage.
  16. I said the same thing during the draft. "Myles Jack might only play for five years." "Well, that's about four more productive years than a typical Reese linebacker."
  17. I'm mixed on Monroe. He's almost certainly better than Newhouse but Monroe might only give you 5 games this season.
  18. http://www.phillyvoice.com/10-reasons-giants-will-be-dumpster-fire-season-2016/ Remember the "Dream Team" predictions?
  19. I'm happy Flaherty is gone just so I don't have to hear the Big Blue Kickoff Live team fellate him every week. "Did you know Pat Flaherty developed free agents and late round picks like David Deihl, Rich Seubert, and Shaun O'Hara? Don't count out Jim Hermann and Marshall Newhouse when Flaherty is the coach!" Those fucking guys played ten years ago.
  20. Paul Schwartz brought up a really good point the other day too. He said that in 2006, all the press was about how the Giants had the worst O-line in football. After they one the Super Bowl, all the press was about how they had one of the best. It's possible to turn it around. Of course, there's no guarantee it'll happen with this group, but I think Pugh, Richburg, and Flowers might be the start of something good.
  21. I'm on mobile, so the link is cut and paste. http://www.nj.com/giants/index.ssf/2016/06/giants_guard_john_jerry_has_career-changing_offsea.html I don't know if he'll be significantly improved, but there are a few good things to take out of this: 1. Jerry really cares about getting better. He's not the slouch he's sometimes made out to be. 2. Weston Richburg is a legit leader on this team, and on that note, 3. This Giants line is bonding both professionally and personally. It also looked to me in the video that Jerry was getting out of his stance quicker. Regardless, these are all encouraging signs.
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