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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. I thought he used to be pretty good?
  2. This. Or a back breaking fumble. I haven't seen any fourth quarter heroics in a long time.
  3. Plus I heard he can block. We need somebody like that on offense.
  4. Minny just held Kelvin Benjamin to zero catches. It's gonna be a long night, Giants fans. Most likely they'll tease us as they always do in prime time, find a way to lose in the last two minutes, and have everybody who watched the game wound up until 2AM.
  5. i pretty much yelled this verbatim after the play was run. Those Arrogant Bastard Ales bring out the worst in me.
  6. We'll be 2-2 by this time next week, and 2-3 the week after. Like I've been saying... same old Giants.
  7. I don't know a ton about him but it sounds like we should kick the tires at least. Wasn't he a Pro Bowler too?
  8. The Giants won't sign Ray Rice after the Josh Brown hubbub.
  9. It's pretty fucking awesome that the coach who was known for ruining quarterbacks now has a show called "quarterback camp." This is the same guy that didn't like Cam Newton coming out of college.
  10. Probably out for a spot of tea and some bangers and mash with that last name.
  11. I was watching the game with my son and said, "See Shane Vereen? See how the ball is away from his body? That's NOT how you hold the football." Next play: fumble. It was a fantastic learning moment for a kid playing football.
  12. Well, I hope this asshole is ejected in every game this year.
  13. It's embarassing. Will Tye and Larry Donnell are 250lb+ pussies. Just watch these guys block for a few series. It's pathetic. People talk about the Richburg block from this past game that got him tossed... Will Tye whiffed on his guy on the Cruz fumble the week before. Non-physical plays like that and the "I don't want to get hit" interception from Manning this week are why you don't have two undrafted players starting at the same position on your team. The strange thing is, guys were available this offseason. Marcedes Lewis. Jermaine Gresham. These guys can block AND catch at least as well as our guys.
  14. Not just legal, but expected. I wish Will Tye would block downfield like that. It didn't decide the game but that was 100% bullshit. If that block was on anyone but Norman there's no flag.
  15. If you're a lineman, you're not allowed to block Josh Norman downfield. Because Josh Norman.
  16. There was blood in the water, and the whole league smelled it. The Giants responded by playing 2.5 quarters of football, and giving the game away. "Eli Magic" my ass. Same old Giants. 7-9.
  17. This will be the most telling game of the McAdoo era so far. Coughlin's Giants would lose this game consistently. Whether it was beating an 0-2 Eagles team or putting the final nail in Andy Reid's/Chip Kelley's coffin, the Giants would let the other team's weakness become a strength (remember when Shady McCoy had 200 rushing yards on us after having 40 total in two weeks). We have a chance to end the Skins season right here, and probably Cousins and Grudens careers to boot. If we win, no matter the score, this is decidedly a different Giants team. If the Skins get four sacks and/or we lose? Same old Giants.
  18. Our TEs are such terrible blockers that I'm afraid they wouldn't be much help. We have no blocking backs and no blocking TE on the team. At some point it's going to bite us in the ass.
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