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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. I was thinking maybe the Black Knight Scene from "Monty Python's Holy Grail." "Alright Ereck Flowers... see how the Black Knight doesn't give up, even when he has no arms? This week... shrug off the flesh wounds, and if your hand technique is poor, bite the DE's kneecaps off!"
  2. Honestly, I'm not sure I understand the "what's wrong with Eli" arguments. Eli's been streaky his entire career. For four weeks he'll throw for 400 yards and 3TDs a game... for three weeks he'll throw for 175 and two picks a game. "Consistently inconsistent." Eli is playing like Eli. We're fortunate he's gotten on hot streaks in the playoffs twice.
  3. Yeah I had been under the impression that the coaching staff was mostly new, but I took a look at it's like 80% the same guys. Pat Flaherty is gone and I think the LB coach is new, and there's a new conditioning guy, but the rest of the team is the 2015 crew.
  4. Coughlin was called an asshole for trotting out the over-the-hill Mathias Kiwanukas of the team when we were out of playoff contention and had the needs-experience DaMontre Moores of the team sitting on the bench. Eli Manning should have been giving way to Ryan Nassib after the first quarter; we still don't know what we have there if Eli ever goes down.
  5. Clearly you have not read the Cowher manifesto, a must-read for any fan of the New York Giants or football in general.
  6. He looks to be pretty bad, but give the front office credit for bringing in a guy in October who at least is young and has NFL experience.
  7. The only way Mac will get fired after one season is if it ends up as a 4-12 disaster where the team has obviously quit on the coach. Unless it's an utter embarassment, he probably stays at least two years. Say what you will about Coughlin, but whether it was in Jacksonville or New York, his teams never quit on him.
  8. So there you have it. Bill Cowher is still a natural coach, still loves being on the sideline and the vibe of the game, and is even sending the Giants signals by saying "never say never" in regards to returning to the sideline. If you disagree with this assessment, you hate the New York Giants, freedom, and America.
  9. I agree with pretty much all of what BiC wrote. In regards to Flowers though, I posit something equally crazy. Flowers looks to be a better RT than LT. Beatty is a better LT than RT. Maybe have them flip-flop positions when Beatty is ready to play? Is playing to their strengths too crazy of an idea? I know the plan is "the #9 pick is supposed to be a LT" but the plan also shouldn't be to spook your QB so much that he's playing like a rookie. Flowers gets some confidence back and doesn't have to be perfect in his technique at RT, Eli has a trusted guy on his blind side, everyone wins.
  10. It would be a great idea. I also liked Brent Jones at fullback for the one game he played there. Whatever happened to that?
  11. Honestly... and I think someone brought this up on the gameday thread... Linval wasn't that great a player while he was here either. He wasn't bad by any means, but not the beast he is now. In the year before he hit free agency the Giants were something like the 28th rated defense against the run. Not all his fault, but if you have a guy effectively clogging the middle you should be better than that.
  12. We couldn't keep Linval because Jerry Reese had to sign two dozen mediocre players to replace the bad players he drafted.
  13. Amazing, isn't it? Nothing fazes Bill Cowher... not even having a non-football name. His name could be "Willy Wusstastic" and he'd still take his team to the playoffs every year.
  14. Last year it was, "we'll become the Washington Redskins." Well, Washington is 3-2, second in the division, is the defending NFC champions, and just beat us. Maybe it's time to become more like the Washington Redskins, because being the New York Giants hasn't really worked the past four years.
  15. Dude'll end up as a linebackers coach by next season.
  16. Dude... you don't like the 2nd and long giveup draw? It's a McAdoo staple!
  17. Anybody know what's up with this guy? Not for nothing, but Tiki Barber played with a broken arm and was still the best player on the team in Coughlin's second season. JPP had half a hand and was the best D-lineman last year. This guy has a "thumb injury" and has been out for three weeks. They can't put this thing in a soft cast and have him hold the ball in the other hand? For a guy who was lauded for his work ethic when he signed here, it's sure starting to look like he's just collecting a paycheck.
  18. Yeah but you forget who the coach of that guy was. Ereck Flowers' name could be "Shitty Mc Poopypants" and that guy would make him an All-Pro.
  19. There's a salary cap in the NFL, so no matter what, teams have to skimp at certain positions (unless you draft really well... Reese doesn't). On the Giants, they choose to skimp at TE and LB, and spend money and resources along the lines and defensive backfield. I'd love to see an NFL caliber TE on this team for a while, but I've been waiting for that since Kevin Boss. Bennett was awesome but was really only here for a cup of coffee.
  20. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2016/10/10/giants-ereck-flowers-shoves-espn-reporter/ Week 5 and already the wheels have come off. Nice to see Mr. Organization keeping his players cool on the Giants.
  21. This. They have no big personnel. No blocking TE, no fullback on the roster. When it's third and one, they go four wide because they have no choice. No wonder they're getting bullied out there.
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