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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. The nightmare scenario is Darnold stays in and the Shits take Rosen. Mayfield reminds me a lot of Drew Brees though and I'd be happy with him, but I have to admit I don't watch much college ball and I'm only going by his highlight reel.
  2. Hate to say it but outside of McDaniels (who I think is staying in New England) there's nobody out there that really sets my world on fire. I think we should offer 300 million to Cowher.
  3. I would love if we could trade with somebody like the Broncos and get their first and second, next year's first, and the following year's second.
  4. If he could play everyone the way he does the Skins he'd finish with 30 sacks a year!
  5. Giants are going to actually win this game. Hope it doesn't fuck up our draft positioning.
  6. That's exactly my point. They're different kinds of people. I love Eli but I don't see him giving shit to those guys and I think they know it.
  7. I hate to say it, but the quitting reflects really negatively on Eli too. Think Brees or Rodgers would have their starting tackles quit on them?
  8. I read he was flat out terrible, but his line also didn't help him much.
  9. Gettleman won't put up with that shit.
  10. I saw Panthers fans are pissed about how he handled Josh Norman and Steve Smith. Well, not for nothing, but Josh Norman and Steve Smith are assholes.
  11. This is a pretty good idea but if you look at the draft values board it I don't think it matches up. You'd need their second and something like next year's first. EDIT: looked it up and it would be this year's second and probably next year's second.
  12. And who said this? "This guy, he's not a guy you can come in and have play right away. You have to develop this guy, get some good players around him. He watches game film like a maniac and has an unbeatable work ethic, but physically you look at him sometimes and wonder if he can get it done at the next level."
  13. Plus it's difficult to feel good about a guy under center who looks like this: https://thenypost.files.wordpress.com/2017/12/dw.jpg?quality=80&strip=all&w=600&h=400&crop=1
  14. It's really weird. You'd think that you'd keep Eli in to keep the streak alive, but that's over. Eli could have had a swan song game but he's had three(?) at home since. At this point he's not playing very well and has nothing around him... there's no point in not getting a look at Webb. Regardless of what they decide, I'm sure the Giants will find a way to fuck it up... they haven't handled things well at all this year in regards to Eli and Webb.
  15. I missed almost the entire game.. got to see maybe ten minutes of the fourth. Sounds like I didn't miss much.
  16. Riddick has cool eyes and a great voice, but aside from Pitch Black all of his movies kind of suck.
  17. Dunno man. Here's a great article about why Gettleman was let go. Sounds like he may be just a bit Aspergery but has a fine analytical mind... and again, it's difficult to argue with his success. The Panthers have ten wins this season, with a roster Gettleman built. Maybe have him and Abrams as a GM/Assistant GM combo?
  18. I'd take Gettleman. Whether it's with the Giants or Carolina, the guy has a track record of success.
  19. As opposed to who? Deon Sanders? Boomer Esiason? They're paid to say things that aren't memorable or interesting. I haven't watched a pregame show in like 5 years.
  20. Yeah you'd think this would be it for the handsome sumbitch, but like Herzlich, he seems to have nine lives for one reason or another... despite not really bringing much to the table.
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