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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. I was watching part of the game at the water park with my fiancee... when the Jags were driving to go up 3 scores I said, "this is usually where the flags start coming out." 5 flags on the next 2 drives, all against Jacksonville. Like fucking clockwork, I said. I won't be watching the Super Bowl. This product is a fucking joke. It's like they're not even trying to hide it anymore.
  2. The guy drafted two late round Guards that both became All Pros. Beats the hell out of James Brewer and Mitch Petrus.
  3. Webb might be a great QB and he might be terrible. The truth is we have no idea... but keep in mind these are the same coaches that thought Paul Perkins and John Jerry were better players than DJ Fluker and Orleans Darkwa. I'm not putting much stock into where Webb was on McAdoo's depth chart. We do know he's very smart, has a big arm, and from all reports has a tremendous work ethic (he's already said he's not leaving the facility all offseason). Those are all great things but they unfortunately don't always translate into NFL success. We'll just have to see.
  4. Dude, ask JMFP. He'll tell you.
  5. I heard something really interesting on a podcast today... basically that for someone in the league for this long, he's more or less still a mystery. Yeah his offenses were pretty bad... but was that him or the fact that Mohammed Massoquoi is the best receiver on your team and Trent Williams is your best back... and your QB is Brandon Weeden?
  6. This is how I feel too. He's the best of a bunch of shitty choices.
  7. Here's a more sobering look at Shurmur. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bigblueview.com/platform/amp/2018/1/16/16897196/pat-shurmurs-past-offenses-leave-a-lot-to-be-desired-ny-giants If he gives a Browns-type performance and we fuck up drafting a QB, this team could be bad for a long time.
  8. I don't think a day 3 pick is really anything special.
  9. Titans split with Mularkey as Giants expected to add Shurmur https://search.app.goo.gl/Vtxk Shared from my Google feed
  10. He actually picked his friend's nose... because TC was a maverick.
  11. What happened was Belichick told both his assisants that he wants the Giants job and not to touch it. This is all just a smokescreen. The voices told me.
  12. No Spags, please. I like him and all but his defense has been a bottom-two unit in three of his last four seasons.
  13. I think this is true now and generally true overall, but the younger Mara has made some head-scratchingly bad decisions in the past ten years. - Turning the nation's most-coveted ticket into a third-empty stadium each weekend. - Getting rid of Coughlin in lieu of MacAdoo - Telling Mac he's safe till the end of the year, then firing him before the end of the year. - The Eli fiasco, whatever that was... he couldn't skip the fucking owners' meeting and get his team in line? Claiming he didn't know how it was going to be handled? Come the fuck on. - Steve Tisch having stars on the sidelines of games, etc. In those past ten years, we've also won two Super Bowls so take all that with a grain of salt... but I can see why some might think the Giants are not as attractive a destination as it used to be.
  14. It's not just Drizz that thinks the Giants job is overrated. http://www.nj.com/giants/index.ssf/2018/01/matt_patricia_ends_insult_to_an_injury-filled_gian.html
  15. Didn't Belichick and Coughlin leave after the Super Bowl, then me-first Parcells left in June due to "health reasons," which he then miraculously overcame to coach for 3 more teams? I single handedly blame that asshole for sticking us with Handley.
  16. Wouldn't be surprised if Apple is traded during the draft to get a day 3 pick or to move up up a few spots on days one or two.
  17. Just read there's a "sleeper candidate" that the Giants are considering in addition to the top three.
  18. I kind of have mixed feelings too. On one hand, I feel like McDaniels and Patricia might be good coaches but you look at that list of flops... many on more than one team... and can't come away thinking that's all a coincidence. I remember everyone thinking Mangini, Weiss, Crennell, etc. were supposed to be the next big things too and they were terrible... everything people were saying about those guys back then is what they're saying about the Pats coordinators now.
  19. Just saw a report saying McDaniels is actually the front runner, but it's down to the two Pats' coordinators and Shurmur.
  20. Same thing that was wrong with Darkwa. Coaches didn't have an eye for talent and he wasn't a draft pick.
  21. Plus, it's long seasons every year. Think they get overtime for that shit?
  22. I was pretty anti-Patricia, but he has coached both offense and defense, and is a certifiable genius with a degree in (literally) rocket science. If he changes his last name to something more manly... like "Bloodgasher" "Bonebreaker" or "Daniels" or something, he might be worth a hire.
  23. Yeah, I don't really want Belichick either. All those double-digit win seasons and Super Bowl rings must be a real pain in the balls.
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