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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. Honestly, they should just get rid of it.
  2. Yeah it's a crap shoot. Even the Trubisky/Mahomes/Watson draft had everyone saying that those guys were average. Seems to be working out pretty well for their respective teams.
  3. The Big Blue View guys are saying that none of the QBs there look very good.
  4. They already have one of the lowest ranked defenses in the league, so Spags won't have to work his magic too much.
  5. I think it was less work ethic and more "just didn't have skills." Everybody raved about his offseason with Bobby Hart but neither translated that into better play. I could easily see how that would progress to personality issues... a kid who's been the best of the best his whole life is working his ass off and suddenly it's just not good enough... must be really frustrating.
  6. Right? Dude is: 1. On the wrong side of 30. 2. Not very good even when he was "good." 3. Two years removed from football. 4. A potential weekly headache. It's difficult to find the upside here, unless you want a Taysom Hill, Kordell Stewart, "come in for ten plays a game" type, and I'm honestly not even sure he'd be good at that.
  7. It would definitely make for a much more interesting league.
  8. I was referring to the fact that one game was (once again) only won due to terrible officiating, and the other had a team win that's in the Super Bowl literally every year. Is there anyone who's not a New England fan that's excited to see Tom Deflatey win his sixth Super Bowl?
  9. There's really no reason to watch this year. I'll probably end up at my neighbor's Super Bowl party but holy shit does this product fucking suck.
  10. More like Andrus Beat. I understand Ereck Flowers sucks but that guy does too.
  11. Absolutely not. I don't care about the kneeling or whatever, in fact I kind of respect him for it, but he's not a good player.
  12. Eli's done. Don't know if Haskins or Murray is the answer but we need to have a plan for that position.
  13. Hey man, nice post! But who're the Chefs?
  14. Sephiroth


    He has a strong offensive team around him? I agree that you'd like to have a QB have more college experience, but it certain ways it's a win-win from the franchise's standpoint. Dude probably needs to sit for a year... management needs an excuse for Eli to play out the last year of his deal. Perfect fit.
  15. Sephiroth


    I don't follow college ball much but the more I watch Haskins the more I like him. All the tools in the world, humble, smart, and could sit for a year behind Eli and grow into the position.
  16. Arians has already said he thinks he's got what it takes. Which is awesome if the Giants are gonna try and draft Haskins. That kid grows a little more on me each day.
  17. But Pro Football Focus said he was awesome this year! Who are you going to believe, them or your lying eyes?
  18. Collins was terrible, for sure, but he had zero help from his offensive line. His choices were "toss the ball and hope the receiver makes a play or take a 5-yard sack every play." I honestly can't fault him too much for that. Greg Comella was a shitty fullback too, so there's also that. Watch at your own risk.
  19. Oliver "The Twist" Venom! Big contract extension ahead, baby!
  20. Kyle Lauletta is not an NFL caliber quarterback. I'm not even sure he's a capable backup. While I approve of most of the GIants' offseason moves, he's a real head-scratcher.
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