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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. Unless there's an injury, he's starting zero games. I think the team is going to be fairly decent this year and will probably be fighting for a playoff spot in December.
  2. Donald Trump hasn't given Canada Google yet, Chuck.
  3. Someday, if America decides to let Canadians out of their caves and we give you electricity you should check it out.
  4. I keep hearing about what a QB guru Cutcliffe is for developing the Mannings. Besides winning the genetic lottery and "developing" the only two human beings in the world that came out of the womb throwing a spiral, is there anybody else he's developed?
  5. O'Hagen had the lowest pressure rate allowed among centers. Last time we had an undrafted Irish kid starting at center for us, it went pretty well.
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpNF_pVP2ww Rome nails it.
  7. That's because it wasn't the case. Rosen was usually mocked anywhere between #2 to the Giants to #15 to the Cardinals.
  8. Not just that, Josh Rosen could have been had for our 2nd. We could have had Josh Allen, Dexter Lawrence, Josh Rosen, and kept our extra 4th and 5th. These people saying, 'well, you don't know what would have happened!" is hogwash... the Giants would have gotten Josh Rosen for a 2nd round pick. Time will tell who's the better QB, but I think I'd rather have those guys instead of the ones we got. We still ended up with 2 very capable corners and have essentially another rookie CB in Sam Beal. That being said, I'm rooting for Daniel Jones.
  9. My boy Matt Kaskey out of Dartmouth has been invited to minicamp! OL problems solved!
  10. That's one way of looking at it. The other is the last time the Giants really reached... to draft a goofy-looking QB out of Duke... with a really boring name... that wore #17... based off our GM scouting one game of his... to replace a Ring of Honor QB that had two SB rings... it didn't go so well for us.
  11. I watched some James O' Hagen film... seemed to be a pretty decent center.
  12. The truth is, we drafted Jones #1 overall and signed him as a free agent, because he's THAT FUCKING GOOD.
  13. Getty is more concerned (or at least as concerned) with keeping headcases out of the locker room as he is with adding talent to the team. We'll see if it works out.
  14. I'd just like to remind the Cris Carters of the world that we had an African American GM and VP of player evaluation drive the entire franchise into a progressively deeper ditch for the past ten years.
  15. He cried telling the story to the media about his mom working three jobs to get by and how now he feels like he's got an opportunity to better her life. I'm really rooting for that kid. Edit: oh wait I thought you were talking about the draft pick.
  16. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000001028761/article/josh-rosen-congratulates-kyler-murray-on-no-1-pick :eyeroll:
  17. Yeah man I still don't get it. He did have a nice interview in the Post though. Tough, smart, good kid, decent athlete, limited arm talent. I dunno man, he sounds like a third round pick, but I do like his attitude. https://nypost.com/2019/04/27/inside-mind-of-daniel-jones-heir-to-eli-mannings-giants-throne/
  18. Pretty much, yeah. So far the argument has been, "he's not accurate and doesn't have an arm, but he's a nice kid who played on a shitty team." Seriously? That's not a good argument. Even the BBK homers were in full damage control mode. They were having a really hard time on Friday. It's bad. The fans hate him so much already I wouldn't be surprised if Getty is gone and we're looking for another QB in the 2023 deaft. Kid's gonna get booed outta town, especially during Skins games if Haskins ends up being a player.
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