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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. Eli gives the team the best chance to win right now... not a rookie QB that had a really good preseason playing against other teams' #2s. It's really ironic that people are clamoring for Daniel Jones when four months ago the same people were lamenting that we had selected him. You ask what Eli gives the team that Jones doesn't? Experience. If you think things are bad now, wait until we have a QB in there who's fumbling twice a game and throwing three picks. That's not a knock on Jones... that's just what rookie QBs do. Put him in when all is lost. Otherwise you try to win, period... not bail after two games.
  2. When we have lost 9 games it will be a losing season. As I said in another thread, if Eli starts playing terribly for 3-4 weeks in a row the team should start making a switch. He has not started playing terribly yet. What often gets overlooked in the "switch to Daniel Jones" discussion is that most of the players on the team are competitors that want their greatest chance to win. Daniel Jones does not give them that right now. Most of these guys would rather go 6-10 than 3-13. We as fans might want it the other way around, but for a coach to bail on the season after two weeks is a slap in the face to these kids who sacrifice their bodies and work their asses off each day. THAT is the way to lose the locker room. When the season is over,we can start to think about next season. Right now the team needs to focus on this season. Giving up right now is a losers mentality.
  3. I'm gonna wait till a greater than two game sample size to make judgements about the team.
  4. I disagree. This team has been built to run the ball but as soon as we go down a score they start asking a 38 year old QB to fling it all over the field... to Cody Lattimer and Bennie Fowler. This game plan is awful and honestly I think Shurmur gets rattled when the opponent starts scoring.
  5. My biggest issue right now is the playcalling. In a game where you're two scores away for most of it there is no reason why you don't feed the ball to the best running back in the league. Eli threw 45 times today... Barkley had 18 runs. Our 38 year old QB is going to have a noodle arm by November if we keep this up. Gettleman built this team to pound the rock but Shurmur didn't seem to get the memo. Aside from that, I was encouraged by the play of the defense in the second half. We're a year away but not giving up on the future yet.
  6. How can the officiating be so bad every fucking year?
  7. That was literally the dumbest call I've ever seen
  8. We're gonna lose but this was more encouraging than last week's loss
  9. Barkley needs at least 5 touches this drive. Come the fuck on.
  10. Bills are gonna come right down the field and score a TD
  11. Wtf are people talking about with putting in Daniel Jones?
  12. This shouldn't even be an issue. When you have a big game changing play you get the ball to your best player, not try to get the ball down field to Bennie fucking Fowler.
  14. When the Bills go up by 4 scores I'm done. Might shut it off before halftime.
  15. This might be one of those games I shut off at halftime. Too much to do in the yard and it's a beautiful day to waste on this shit.
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