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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. The important question is... are the Giants still racist for passing on Haskins?
  2. I actually had wanted Nelson/Chubb for 1st/2nd round picks. I still have faith in Barkley/Hernandez though.
  3. That's a fair point. I'm more talking about the people who said we didn't need a road-grading O-line because "it's a passing league anyway."
  4. Apparently he and the Giants front office really like each other too. There's something to be said for a positive work environment.
  5. I agree. But if you listen to the talking heads on ESPN, NFL network... hell, even here... they'd lead you to believe that "the running game is dead," "RB isn't an important position," etc. Running games are important and except for a few outliers (Moss-era Patriots, Green Bay, etc) most teams need to have a good one to win it all.
  6. Fucking dummy. I'm more and more happy with the trade every day.
  7. Let's hope. Dude couldn't cut it as a head coach but was a very good OC.
  8. This. Also, take a look at the Super Bowl winners. The Packers in 2011 were the last real high-flyers to win it all.
  9. The "IT'S A PASSING LEAGUE!" talk is true, but if you're into winning you need a running game.
  10. What? You didn't like the 'Cock swing pass? It was 2 yards guaranteed EVERY GAME.
  11. As an educator, he brought up teaching and education at least a half dozen times. So far I love the guy.
  12. Where can I find the presser? They have the interview on Giants.com but not the presser.
  13. I imagine the conversation went like this: Belichick: John? Hi, it's Bill. I see you're interviewing Joe. If you decide to hire him, I'll take a GM position with you guys in a year or two. Mara: He's hired.
  14. One year, we had to keep some schmuck named Bill Parcells because Howard Schnellengerger didn't want the job. Another, we missed out on drafting Jerome McDougle and had to settle for Osi Umenyiora. The Ravens, in a simliar situation to us, couldn't lure the great Jason Garrett away from Dallas and had to settle for their other choice, John Harbaugh. There's nothing saying this won't work.
  15. I certainly have some positions for the two of them.
  16. Yeah I'm thinking Garrett and Phillips, if Judge wants them.
  17. I read somewhere right before lunch that Matt Rhule signed for 7 years. I mean... considering the dude hasn't been an NFL head coach and there's already a 10 million buyout for his contract, I sort of can't blame the Giants for not matching that. Aren't we already paying two guys HC salary that aren't coaching the team?
  18. He looks and carries himself like he's 58, even though he's 38. Also has that, "I'm answering your question but also I'm about to punch you in the face" demeanor that will go over oh-so-well in New York.
  19. Yep. Also Mike Tomlin, Marv Levy, Dick Vermeil, Mike Ditka, Bill Cowher and Bill Belichick. Also, for what it's worth, Walterfootball.com pretty much loves every offseason move the Giants have made so far.
  20. I feel the same way. I really dislike the hire overall though. Reeks of desperation and most of us had literally no idea who this guy was five days ago. Is that irony, or poetic justice?
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