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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. Not just that, dude is straight up NASTY too. The bitch slap at 7:33 here is just fucking awesome. (EDIT: I dunno why it won't let me save at 7:33, just rewind and check it out). Watched a bunch of other film too where he's 10 yards downfield just annihilating LBs and safeties. He just fucking demoralizes them, always looking for someone to hit. I tried to tell this to my middle-school football team... even when you think you're out of the play, don't fucking stand there and watch the play, LOOK FOR SOMEONE TO HIT. I think he's my pick at #4.
  2. I saw the same thing. Becton actually looks pretty good on film but their offense did a lot of 3 step drops so his pass blocking has a really small sample size.
  3. I took a look at all these guys last night. Wells appeared to be head and shoulders above the rest of them.
  4. I haven't watched film on Wirfs yet, but I listened to two separate guys this week that both said they don't get why he's rated as the #1 tackle. Both said that they'd put him behind Wells and Thomas. Personally I thought Thomas looked really lumbering in the film I watched; didn't look like he had very good feet.
  5. If we can get him at a reasonable price I'd love to have him back. Dude is all heart.
  6. He's addressed the offensive line, just not very well. Reese had the same problem... he got some players but they weren't any good.
  7. Holy fuck I hope not. We'd have essentially traded 3 draft picks for Ngakwe who might not even be the player Williams is.
  8. Well, during the last CBA it was negotiated that there could be no two-a-days during the summer, and you weren't allowed to tackle. This made the first 2-3 weeks of football a sloppy mess each year since starters had only been tackling for about 45 minutes combined the entire summer (the 4 preseason games). There's also the Thursday night game where teams don't have time to prepare so that game sucks. So guaranteed, there's 3-4 weeks of bad football for your team. This was done in the name of "player safety" and "extending careers." Has it actually done either? I'm not sure. The new CBA, from my understanding, is cutting out two preseason games. So now starters have about 15 minutes of full-contact drills this summer. My guess is this will lead to a minimum of four weeks of shitty football, possibly 5. To top it off, in addition to 7-9 teams making the playoffs, we'll now likely get more sub-.500 teams making the playoffs each year... though if it ends up being "the 10-6 team that somehow wasn't eligible in years past makes it in" then I guess it's possible it could be a better format. I guess we'll see. Like I've said in other threads though, my consumption of football has gone from 12 hours per week to about an hour and a half... the product is SO bad these days. I've barely even watched the playoffs and skipped two Super Bowls in the past three years.
  9. Always awesome to see the NFL further dilute their already terrible product.
  10. Isn't this the same guy who many people said we should have signed instead of Nate Solder two years ago, or was that another Pats O-lineman? And if it is the same guy, what happened to make him into an NFL-bottom feeder instead of the answers to all of our O-line problems? Was he not that good to begin with or did he just suck in Dallas?
  11. We'll have no idea until we see what Joe Judge is. If he's Coughlin Jr, he gets three years to get things turned around. If he's Ray Rhodes, he'll probably be one-and-done with a new GM. No GM wants to come into a situation where their head coach is a dick.
  12. Conklin is a weird player. Twelve months ago there was a lot of, "good thing we didn't draft that guy, he's always injured and hugely overrated." Now everyone is lamenting that we didn't get him. I guess we'll see.
  13. Looks like we can forget about the Irish kid too.
  14. I really would have liked this guy too. Hope we draft somebody serviceable or that Irish kid from last year surprises.
  15. Bucs O-line is not very good. He might not make it though the midpoint of October.
  16. I thought the same thing. You should see the "Blake Martinez is overrated" videos. He's Alex Ogletree.
  17. Dunno what people are talking about. Getty drafted him, front office loves him from top to bottom, he's clearly a generational talent and in a "down" year still had over 1600 scrimmage yards. Imagine how he'd be with NFL caliber coaching and O-line. Oh yeah, he's also only 23 and under contract for 2 more years with a fifth year option. People just need something to say this time of year.
  18. Similar skill set to Barkley so if Saquon misses a few game or needs to come out for a series or two you can still run your offense. One year deal and the guy is only 29. Good pickup.
  19. Man I miss that guy. Michael Strahan said that pound for pound, Bradshaw was the toughest teammate he ever had.
  20. It's been a pretty disappointing offseason for sure. This was supposed to be the "we're out from under these big contracts, let's make a splash" offseason but like Drizz said, these have been lateral moves at best.
  21. Core is worth it. Best gunner we've had in a long time.
  22. Yeah me too. It's a decent signing.
  23. With this draft light on pass rushers, I think we may have to face the reality that last year's pass rush might be this year's pass rush.
  24. I'm beginning to lean this way as well. I'd give two years though... I think it all hinges on Jones... but at this point Gettys made as many bad decisions as good ones.
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