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Everything posted by Nas

  1. You're seeing things... but again, cause a fumble is better than just a sack.
  2. Nas


    For those of you who say that's not shockey, are you serious? Maybe he should be wearing his pads and helmet to the bar just for you guys... Jeez.. Seph said he met Shockey and provided proof, so unless Seph says that's not really Shockey, I will beleive that's Shockey.. and it is.
  3. Nas


    That is Shock, dude. In person he looks like a big chubby white boy. On cameral he looks skinner for some weird reason. I plan on taking my little nephew (who's becoming too football savvy) to this year's training camp. I don't know if I mentinoed this before but the 8 year old called me a week or so before the Superbowl to talk about Tiki Barber.. here's how the conversation went: -Hello -Hello Nasser? -Yes Hesham.. -Hey.. you know... Tiki Barber.. I don't think he's 220 lbs. -Really? -Yea Nasser, I think he's 195 lbs. I was laughing hysterically.. and couldn't help but think my nephew is right. btw, his favorite player is David Deihl.. lol
  4. I agree with JayD here. Even though Robbins Alford and Cofield are solid, we do need a run stuffer. I absolutely LOVED what I saw from Johnson at safety. I was impressed with Dahl also but I'd like to see them perform like that consistantly. I will add that we need depth at WR. Get a player in the prototype of TO (without the big mouth of course).. big and athletic.
  5. Got it, thanks. I did internet searches last night but couldn't find a medium size. I ended up buying a Kids' XL Jersey. I figured, if it doesn't fit me right, it will sure fit my little nephew
  6. Where do I get that? I'm pretty clueless when it comes to this stuff
  7. I wiegh 135 lbs.. soaked and wet... how's size 56 (the only size available) going to look on me? Besides, from a business standpoint, shouldn't they have other sizes?
  8. Bro I know what a football Jersy is supposed to fit like.. But I sure as hell don't want to look like Gorilla's son wearing his dad's jersey.
  9. Where'd u get it from? I know you're a big dude (at least from your pix). I want to get an authentic jersey but damn.. all they have is size 56... that's it.. nothing else.
  10. So I've been trying to find a Jersey that fits. I don't understand for the life of me why they only have size Fat-ass in anything... I mean do they fucking realize how much sales they're missing on becuase they don't have other sizes? I'd like to get an authentic Jersey.. that fits.. there's a concept
  11. That's said about the skins every year.. yet they come up with it somehow. The skins seem to want quick fixes instead of building a team. Nothing against free agency but the core of your team should built via the draft. The skins have what seems like a baseball mentality (Yankees to be exact) to building a team. Get all those "stars" and expect all of them to play great.. well it doesn't work like that.
  12. Nas

    Reality Check

    I don't know what the fuss is about getting a veteran QB. What's wrong with J-Load? I have faith in the kid just like I have always had faith in Eli. We can agree that we need to sterenthen the safety position and maybe add yet another solid DB since Madison is meidocre at best. DT? I don't know if I'm missing something but don't we have Robbins and Alford among others? Both players are pretty good and Alford can only get better. LB? Kawika is mediocre. And the LB is a mid-range need. We need a nother big target yet athletic WR. If there's one poition after DE it's the WR position that should be propped up. You can never have enough WRs.
  13. We know winning hides a lot of problems. Yes we won the SB and we kicked ass doing so. But I'd like for everyone to go back to the mindset before the playoffs. What were our needs then.. and what were our complaints. Eli needs to continue playing like he played the last few games.. starting with NE during the regular season... Webster is looking good now but we know he wasn't before... Let's roll back the clock and talk about what our team needs to remain a force for years to come. Last thing I need is a season where we don't make the playoffs after winning the ultimate prize.
  14. Don't we have Robbins and Alford already? Say what you will but CB/Safety is still our biggest weakness followed by LB.
  15. That too VG. We should be able to land a tall athletic WR in the draft as well.. not too big on free agents.
  16. We have Sionrice Moss. He should be able to fill the #3 spot just fine.... it's about time.
  17. Man... I can see the eagles going after Moss.. TO, Moss, Buress, and the Moss in DC.. all in one division.. yikes..
  18. Well, there's no right or wrong answer here. I mean the guy was asked for his opinion... and he gave a reasonable answer.
  19. We did draft 2 WRs. Smith can step in very nicely for Toomer and either S. Moss or Tyree should be able to fill the 3rd slot. As far as DE we're loaded... and we can always add another stud in the draft... Feagles probably won't retire.
  20. Landing solid players for the right price, yes... signing stars for tons of money that handicap the team in the future.. no. We can continue to build thru the draft... the most efficient way.
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