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Everything posted by Nas

  1. Why not? We're the world champs and they're South America's team.. and by that I mean the continent.
  2. Let me put on my CEO hat on for a minute: GMs and Owners need to get together and set the tone by NEVER signing anyone who holds out or demand a trade because he finally lived up to his huge contract. None of these guys is broke; they're all millionaires so that shit about family is out of the window. If we give everyone a raise, we'll have no money left for FAs and Rookies.
  3. Eh, while you make a good argument here, I feel this is one of those.. the Grass is Greener on the other side kind of things. Wilson is a mediocre safety and should be signed to a contract that fit that description. If a team want to spend a huge amount of money on him, they better pray they have our Pass Rush... I can't stand players having no loyalty to the team that drafted them and nourished them. It's not like these guys are playing for minimum wage. At some point, a player has to reach a point where "money ain't a thing"... assuming they're not spending that money on "how I'm living" and showing people what kind of lavish life style they have.. when the back account has less than 5 digits.
  4. I just don't understand why people feel they're entitled to more money for playing at the level they were expected to play when they were signed. I can make the case that Plax under-performed in prior years... should the Giants ask for money back? According to this article, his contract was "front loaded" too. Osi and Tuck are BOTH beasts. And it's a fact of life that the one who signs the latest contract will make more money... so Osi.. when he resigns with the Giants will more money than Tuck... and then when Tuck resigns... you guys get the point. There's something called Salary Cap here and if these players want to be on a winning team then I'm sure they can "feed" their families on measly $5,000,000 a year... with a little belt tightening here and there. Strahan's contract negotiation back then wasn't easy. And back then it was a HUGE contract... so why not adhere to what you signed to do?
  5. Nas


    Relax.. Bleedin had a few too many drinks, that's all
  6. We may have a star in waiting... I'm optimistic about this kid's potential.
  7. The upside to that is the man's body needs all the rest he could get... so while resting him can make him rusty, having there full time can exhaust him. A middle of the road apporach... be there... and take it easy.. pops
  8. I thought he was past his prime. Unless he's on the same "vitamins" Junio Seau is on.
  9. Well, you were WRONG!!! :brooding: (Homer Simpson moment)
  10. Nas


    It took me a while to understand this response till I realized there are punctuations here.. damn you Prince Nas.... "Shouldda had your V8" :::POP:::
  11. Nas

    Left Tackle

    Ok, Bleedin, this a well put well structured informative and eloquent response. But you have to admit that my response above is wayyyy better
  12. Nas

    Left Tackle

    I was going to be surprised :brooding:
  13. Jesus how did you manage to come up with those conclusions? :brooding: I predicted an 11-5 season with one win the playoffs.
  14. Did anyone notice the last play of the clip? It involved Brady's scramble out of the pocket on 3rd down... but the receiver/CBs attempt at it from the 4th down
  15. Are you sure they were talking about the Giants? It's weird.
  16. Well he's a middle of the pack safety. That shouldn't be too hard to overcome.
  17. There's no doubt in my mind Reese will do his best to sign him for the right amount of money. If teams want to overpay him, so be it. The Giants won as a team.. and anyone is replaceable.
  18. Yes and Wilson is occupying one of them ... trust me, I'm beginning to think me and Reese think alike. I was one of the few here who rooted for him to be the GM.
  19. Nas


    But you can't argue that Vilma is a definite upgrade either.
  20. We drafted a rookie last year who showed a lot of promise in the limited time he was able to be on the field.
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