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Everything posted by Nas

  1. I thought about that too. It's going to be worth it for me... I already bought the Giants Super Bowl Authentic Jerseys for Plax (in white), Eli (in Blue), and I just ordered 3 more White Eli Jerseys.. one for me and one for my friend (I'll give it to him on his birthday).. and one I will save till my 8 year old nephew can fit in size 56.. The kid is going to be big and all he talks about is David Diehl... lol. All of them have the Super Bowl Patch and the "C" for Captain on Eli's... got 'em for cheap too from that site So-Cal posted.
  2. I don't think Eli needs mentoring really. Anyone can sit there and tell you do this and do that... Eh I like J-Load and I doubt Carr... well Carr is an upgrade over Wright I guess.
  3. Ok.. that I didn't know. I used to call my Puerto Rican friend that.. no wonder he used to get upset.. :brooding:
  4. Just what on earth do you have against Lorenzen?
  5. Yes, Carlos. I ordered both. One right after the game and then when the SI package was advertised I got it again... safe to say one won't be opened... or I can give it to my 8 year old nephew
  6. Actually I was thinking Kurt Warner... I can see your point.. as long as we keep J-Load on the team, I'm cool with it.
  7. This is one of those things I believe.. you know when you go for a job interview.. and they want "experience".. yet your ask "Well, how can I get "experience" if I'm never given a chance?"... that kindda feeling... The way I see it, the guy has a strong and accurate arm.. he's physically "fit" to play the position and the limited time I saw him on the field I liked what I saw... you surely don't expect someone to come and play lights out when the team is trying to run out the clock in the final 2 minutes; do you? Who was the QB that played for us before drafting Eli? (his name escapes me).. that worked out well didn't it? btw, the same belief worked for me when I said I'm all for Reese being our GM.
  8. I watched it 5 times so far
  9. I think so. I know they had it in some place in Midtown where Strahan and the rest of the players were there... I got mine from NLFshop.. and the one from SI is yet to come.
  10. While I totally understand what you're saying here, I have all the confidence in the world in J-Load.
  11. I'll try not to botch this (I just finished watching the DVD.. 5th time ) "And this is a disaster of absolutely colossall proportions" Showing a deject TO after RW's interception of Romo's pass in the end zone.
  12. .. that phrase never gets old.. Man, the weekend is here.. I wonder what DVD I'll be watching.. hint hint
  13. I feel the same way. What I saw from these 2 was convincing.
  14. It's called being responsible with your finances. Hey, we didn't spend a ton of money last year and we're the world champs... we're the world champs
  15. I can't fault him for going to a team that paid him double what we offered.
  16. We have the same personnel in place really. What we lost and gained are minor... although Mitchel will be missed if Wilkinson fails to step up.
  17. Oh shit.. I thought you were serious saying Johnson sucks...
  18. He did start slow but started to shine towards the end of the season. He maybe the one that got away.. but I'm sure we'll do just fine. This is the realty of free agency.
  19. You have to factor in the price we got Knight for. I don't know much about players in other teams but our Wilson wasn't a super start to begin with. If this Knight guy is half way decent, then we got ourselves a great deal.. besides we have the draft coming up... so in essence Knight is more of a stop-gap.
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