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Everything posted by Nas

  1. Unlike my older brother, I'm able to spot talent.
  2. Holy Smack Down!!!! Some old faces from the GMB are showing up here . Welcome Tempest.
  3. Isn't that what every 3rd stringer in the league does?
  4. To store it for life. I opened it very briefly when it arrived and I figured oh I know all these images by heart.
  5. I thought Dahl was cut because he failed his physical or something. Can someone confirm this? Never mind: I read the posts after. :brooding: (I liked Dahl too)
  6. Dude, you have the sickest avatars...
  7. Half way thru reading this I said to myself yea.. and Vick too when he's on Parole.. low and behold Bleedin had that in mind too
  8. Michael Johnson is waiting... The limited time he's seen, he shined.
  9. That's beyond the point. The very fact that he can step back and sling it as well as anyone is enough. Besides what's this big fuss about us resigning our 3rd stringer? Can anyone here name the 3rd stringers on other teams?
  10. Got mine a few days days ago but haven't looked at it yet.
  11. These are Boston fans we're talking about.
  12. I can easily make the argument that we have the best 3rd string QB in the league; hands down.
  13. That's irrelevant. Both of them are getting paid handsomely for what they do. The difference is Tuck signed his later which naturally would be a higher contract. Osi was very happy with his contract when he signed it and it still is a very good deal. If his ego gets in the way and he thinks he should be making more than Tuck, then all he has to do is continue playing as well or better and when is contract is up for negotiations, the FO will be more than happy to make him a generous offer. For now, he needs to honor his contract.
  14. Now imagine if the Pats had won; We (not just Giants fans but everyone on planet earth) were going to hear about this bullshit for the rest of our fucking lives. I stated right after the win and at the canyon of heroes that the Giants did America a favor by winning this game.
  15. I won't sweat it. We know the Giants want him back; now it's really his call whether he wants to stay with the organization that drafted... and maybe he can live up to the expectations like Plax did late in the season.
  16. These are the funniest posts I picked: Someone needs to murder every single remaining member of the '72 Dolphins. It won't make me feel better, but it'll fucking help. Perfectly reffed? That may be overstated but no worse than your average game, I don't think. Calm down. I still want to shoot myself, though. maybe if you could've taped the giants practice you guys could of won oh well I don't know why you people are so upset, the Pats won the Super Bowl, and no amount of websites or media presentations will ever convince me otherwise. Ever.
  17. Can you copy it and paste it please? link maybe? Never mind.. here it is:
  18. Because he signed that dotted line.
  19. Two things: 1. I don't want to jump to conclusions based on speculations. I'd like to wait and see if he actually does hold out. If he does, it says a lot about his character. 2. In the contract, the organization (any organization) should have a "hold-out clause" that reads like this: "In the event of a hold out and a players' inability to honor this contract, the player is liable for $250,000 per day. Since the player is happy as dog shit when he or (she ) sign that contract, they will have no problem signing that dotted line. Let's see how many players hold out with that clause. I really think the owners/GMs should get their act together because allowing players to behave like this is unacceptable.
  20. Nas


    You forgot to mention that picture-perfect portrait of Jerry Jones' face after the game
  21. Nas


    No. I don't get that. Sure NE was a heavy favorite, but who else in the NFC could've beat them? The media kept hyping up the boys and Brett Favre... oh and we beat them both. Now, in today's league, it's near impossible to repeat but we'll see. Our best years are still ahead of us.
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