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Everything posted by Nas

  1. I don't really watch the draft. I just try to catch when the Giants pick and then listen to the analysts scramble to figure out who the guys is.. and then give us a D- at the end
  2. I'm not one of them. But why did Osi remain silent? I think he should've been pro-active instead of watching the drama unfold.
  3. I'm pleasantly surprised that finally someone is going to honor what they signed the dotted line to do. I'm glad Osi decided to man up and honor his contract. It's amazing that in this day in age you're applauded for doing what you're supposed to be doing. Nevertheless, glad to see Osi act like a mature adult.
  4. They run out pretty quickly. Although all my orders have arrived whole. How did you like the Jersey?
  5. Actually I do. He needs to look no further than Plax. If he doesn't shape up this year, then I'll be in favor of a trade but for now, I believe #80 should remain a Giant.
  6. A year ago I was his biggest supporter on this board. Now, while I'm not ready to anoint him, I have to give credit where credit is due. He had a superb draft last year and deserves all the praise in the world. Keep in mind, he didn't just draft very well, he cut the dead weight in his first week or so.
  7. I wouldn't go that far. I think whatever issues he might have with the organization are trivial in nature and can be worked out pretty easily. I would like Shockey to remain with the Giants. His positives far outweigh his negatives in my opinion. I think he should take a page of out Plax's play book; namely but getting his head in the game.. no more antics.. and come to play with authority. Plax turned his season around by simply playing like he's capable of playing. And I can tell you from my own experience playing sports that when you keep your head in the game (pay attention.. no trash talking.. no complaining), great things happen.
  8. Which is why I never pay attention to any rumors.. especially around this time. All these smoke-screens are just that.. And why do people ask agents and GMs about players when they know they will never get a straight answer? Oh I know.. so they can have something to write about... nothing.. Just like my response in this thread... it's nothing nothing I tell ya
  9. I guess they expect the Giants to suck balls this upcoming season.. given the history of the Giants after winning the SB and the strength of schecule. Personally I can't stand games on CBS :brooding:
  10. What if all the teams "pass" in the first round? They get to save money and still land the same exactly players
  11. They don't have a Tuck jersey. I have a Manning Jersey size 56, white, super bowl patch, captain, and #s swen on. It's huge but for a 6 2" 245, it should look nice on you.. if you want me to mail it you, pm me with your address and I'll send it.
  12. I'm going to have to alter mine because the smallest size is 38 and it's HUGE. My friend who weighs 190 lbs (5 9") put it on and it looked a tiny bit baggy on him.. and that's size 48 we're talking about. But you know what, seeing a Die hard dallas fan wearing Stranah's white #92 Authentic Jersey with SB XLII Patch on it.. now that's PRICELESS I have a friend who's a designer and I'm going to ask to alter it for me to make it just right.... those Jerseys are awsome.. And I'm keeping one of them for my little nephew who's now 8 years old. 10 years from now.. that Jersey becomes a classic.
  13. YES!!! I'm telling you I gave a friend of mine a jersey and his jaw dropped. If this Jersey wasn't worth every penny, you think I'd be here telling you about it. Although it's thanks to SoCal who posted that link. This jersey has sewn on #s sewn on SB Patch and Sewn on Captain Patch.. You know what I think happened? Some guy got a hold of a real jersey; went to China and made it exactly that way those Authentics are made and instead of overcharging you for it, he's selling to you for a reasonable price. Boo, how tall are you and how much you weigh (feel free to pm me with that info if you like), I will send you a Jersey...
  14. I think where these guys went wrong is by selling for such a low price. I bet you if they were posted at $250, a lot of guys would've flocked to get them.
  15. I've ordered 7 Jerseys so far and 4 more are on the way. If those are not real, I don't know what is. They're superb and like Nesta said for $17, you really can't go wrong.
  16. Great job with that compilation of stats.. I don't know how anyone can do it while heavily sedated
  17. Agreed. And almost every "expert" picked the opposite team to win. Ok so we were the wild card on the road and don't stand a chance against Garcia... Ok we got lucky.. Dallas is going to smash us.. I mean who could stop Romo and the boys.. ok we stunned Dallas but now we're going into the deep freeze... Brett Favre and the packers... no way we win there... Plax plays lights out... ok ok ok.. we got really lucky there.. no way we beat the undefeated Patriots.. the Best NFL superbowl run ever.. indeed.
  18. Only in America can a woman get half of what the man has.. even if he'd gotten it before marriage.. Ok maybe not only in America but this is twisted. It should be common sense.
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