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Everything posted by Nas

  1. I thought once I said my $0.02, this discussion would be over. This "democracy" and "freedom of speech" thing really has its down side. :brooding: But really, Shocky is a Giant now and should remain a Giant because he's a great player who can be even greater.
  2. I see a lot of great arguments on this tread (Money should start getting paid for his writings.. he's brilliant). However, if anyone thinks this team is better or will be at the same level without Shockey, then I'd like some of whatever they're smoking... ok I'll take that back.. I don't want whatever it's they're smoking. Shockey is a solid player who draws attention from opposing Ds. He plays hard and he let's his emotions get the best of him sometimes. For those of you how are not 17 years old anymore, look back at how different your tempermen is now as compared to your teens and 20s... I know mine is very different. I still play with fire (pick up games mind you) but I don't let my emtions get the best of me anymore. Shock is no different. He will be back (or at least should) in Giants uniform and will have a brilliant seaons. Then we look back at t his thread and wonder why on earth did we even debate his trade.. it's a non-issue.
  3. I'm not. Remeber they're not supposed to praise us.
  4. You forgot the latest headline: "Yea the Giants might've won the Super Bowl but they didn't win the division"
  5. I don't know what's the point of this thread... I don't think we drafter Alford to be a career back-up.
  6. I don't buy into the notion that somehow a player is going to come fired up just because... I mean they're playing at the highest level, if that doesn't fire you up, I don't know what is. I'm very optimistic about Johnson starting at safety. I know I've only seen him play in a handful of plays but he showed flashes of brilliance. I can't wait to see how our D performs... lights out.
  7. I guess you're right. A remote possibility though.
  8. Understandable. I guess it was a case of the grass is greener on the other side for me. I saw the hightlights on ESPN compared to watching entire games when he played for the Giants.
  9. 6-10 is a stretch for me. I don't think these Giants can do worse than 9-7 this year.
  10. I'll concede I didn't know his stats but it seems he was on the highlights on ESPN every week.. a far cry from when he was on the sidelines for the Giants.
  11. He was hardly on the field. Was never allowed to catch his stride. He did very well in Oakland.
  12. I don't think him going backwards on a couple of plays means he's afraid of contact. He knows he's very fast and by take 2 steps back to avoid getting tackled, he can more than make up for it. That's what I saw. Also, I'd like to see what he can do returning kicks. He has the same body type the Jets' KR has. I'm not ready to bash Moss just yet. I think he should get on the field and get in some kind of rhythm first. I'm still upset over Tyrone Wheately being in Fassel's dog house for so long.. a huge talent sitting on the sidelines because of some ego.
  13. I don't blame him. Those two-a-days are a bitch. I think he will be back because he's really enjoying himself out there. He's by far the fan favorite and after winning the SB, why not try to repeat?
  14. Ok there's no doubt I'm optimistic about our team... but I'm optimistic every year.. even when someone named Dave Brown was our QB. Yes this team looks good but it's the same team that went 10-6 during the regular season. Granted the first 2 games should be tossed out because Spags had just started. I think our biggest improvement last year came in the name of Steve Spagnollo (sp). I expect him to be even better in his 2nd year. Our D will definitely be better especially given our draft picks this year. I expect the offense to be slightly better than last year. Plax got a taste of what it feels like to play like he's capabe of and you can bet Shockey is hungry to show the same. I know winning hides a lot of flaws and while I expect this team to do better than the 10-6 of last year, let's not forget that we're in the NFC east where every game is a dog fight.
  15. I only remember 41-0 in the NFC Championship game
  16. I chose 12-4 and here is why: 1) I pretty much select 12-4 every year.. if not better. 2) We're the world champs and that was in Spags' first year... Expect our D to be ferocious out there and not just the front 7 anymore. 3) Eli Manning is a made man. 4) Plaxico came into his own and played at the level I knew he was capable of playing... expect Shockey to do the same in '08. 5) I'm the prince of SportsWrath and it's about time I use some royal powers
  17. Having a positive attitude is nice but I'm a big fan of letting your actions do the talking. I'm very happy about our draft... I can't wait for the season to start.
  18. The answer is simple. We're the world champs and that's why Mel gave us such a high grade.
  19. That's typical in sports or any high pressure situation for that matter. I remember going off on my teammates in a pick up basketball game for not playing seriously. So I can totally understand Peyton's outburst.. given that it's forgotten seconds later.
  20. As a safety it's different. I was talking LB. I wasn't overly impressed with that play.
  21. It looked good on camera but that was horrible from a football stand point. Sure the guy was defenseless and didn't see him coming. This LB didn't plant his feet and didn't lower his body and he didn't wrap either.. Not to mention it's a vicious hit that would've or could've really hurt the other guy.. for life. Conclusion: Will not make the roster.
  22. I agree. #18 you have to be lucky to answer it.
  23. If this guy is as good as those videos show, how come he wasn't drafted?
  24. I got 45 as well. I rushed thru #17 and #18 kicked my ass. But I'm still brilliant
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