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Everything posted by Nas

  1. I respect his take. He didn't say anything new.. although I feel the Giants were taleneted.. but that could be my fan bias.. or could be this guy's outsider's lack of knowledge about our team. Nevertheless it's good to see fans who got their heads screwed right. It will be difficult to repeat.. and while we're deep at DL, Strahan will be missed. Plax is overrated... I think his childish behavior negated what he's done late last season... but oh well.
  2. I haven't forgiven Tiki yet. Maybe I'm waiting for him to apologize but I'm not holding my breath. Man I'm gonna miss Strahan :brooding:
  3. You maybe on to something
  4. :clap: :clap: :clap:
  5. xxi, you know I respect your opinion a great deal. However and this is just the athelete in me talking, I really thought Plax was milking if not completely faking the injury. Ankles stiff up when the body is cool.. but once you start running it loosens up and you don't even feel it... and that's assuming he actually had an injury. Now factor that, as Tree stated, the guy still has 3 years on his contract... and he got hot late in the season.. again when he wanted to make his contract an issue. Quite frankly, I don't think the Giants should cave in...
  6. Well I'm not sure I agree with O'Hara here. I don't disagree with the substance as much the style. If the past has taught us anything, it's that other players commenting makes matters worse. I'm sure everyone here remembers when Tiki couldn't shut his trap about Strahan. That being said, I really think Plax didn't live up to the expectations till late in the season.. when the contract became a motivation. The way I see it (and sorry for repeating myself) if you play hard, everything else will fall in place. I don't think Plax is the TOP receiver in the league nor is he in the top 5... What he's doing is childish but it's what it is.
  7. One can make the argument that he only played lights out when there was fire lit under his ass... when he wanted to improve his contract prospects. Let's face it; Plax didn't play to his potential for a very long time... What was there for the Giants to show him the money? Funny how some people don't have the drive to be the best they can be.. and the money will come either way.
  8. My guess is he found something in broadcasting where he's not risking serious injury anymore.
  9. Man.. my friend called me at work to let me know Mike's just retired. I thought he was kidding. I really thought Stra would be back for one more year :brooding: I really think he has something lined up in broadcasting.. he's pretty good at that.. unlike that dull Tiki. Well Michael, thank you for a great career. You will be missed.
  10. You solidified my point.
  11. I don't know.. but doesn't NFL naming convention calls for the team's name preceeded by the CITY they're from.. i.e. Miami Dolphins... Athlanta Falcons... (i think NE is the only exception).. Having said that.. shouldn't the senator have said "The East Rutherford Giants"?... another argument.. the Dallas Cowboys don't exactly plan in Dallas, right? Nevertheless... this is stupid.
  12. Coud it be that incredible motor has something to do with the substance he abused?
  13. That's for a thread about nothing. 20 seconds I'll never get back.
  14. No. I think you just hear about ours because.. well you're a Giants fan. We don't hear..don't care about other teams now do we, VG?
  15. Yea I don't know what the fuck MSNBC is doing by bringing him on Morning Joe. He's fucking clueless... and I can't stand that square jaw. Every time I see his face, all I could think about is that anonymous source in the locker room....
  16. Those things happen man. It's nothing more serious than the injury you get playing a pick up game of basketball.. here they just write about and everyone is like oooh aaaah.
  17. MURDER!!! We're the Super Bowl Champs. We're the team to beat in the entire NFL.
  18. Actually just from a physical stand point, Sehorn had no business returning kicks. He's too tall for the role and tall guys have limps all over the place making them much suciptable to injury.
  19. I'm with you on this one. I don't know what Tree is talking about.
  20. I disagree. I think Eli's proved to be a Super Star in wins and in losses. They're just mad at him he doesn't give them good material to write about.. he's not loud and obnoxious and he doesn't date a blonde singer. Please.. if Eli isn't a Super Star, I don't know who is. Peyton and Brady have been on the scene much longer. Tony Romo although a good QB isn't better than Eli.
  21. I'm sorry but I no longer subsribe to that theory. Every team plays to win. And the Giants won.. not becasue other teams didn't take them seriously.. we won because we ran over TB, destroyed Dallas, tazered Green Bay, and flat out bitch slapped NE. Now if you think our D was good last year, imagine it now with Spags' 2nd year and all the young stars we brought in. Defense wins Championships... if the QB doesn't have time to throw, the pass won't be completed.. because it never happened. I want them to gun for us.. and I want us to smash them like we did last year
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