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Everything posted by Nas

  1. I don't know how much and since the "waiting list" is insane, I've pretty much given up on ever getting my hands on season's tickets. My 9 year old nephew wants me to explain to him why we can't get Giants tickets.
  2. Collisnworth will forever be part of the Giants... Eli.. stays on his feet... Ooops.. I meant Joe Buck
  3. Hmmm... I wish him the best indeed. Maybe now we won't have so many Cowboy and Eagle lovers on Fox... But but but.. the Giants didn't win the division
  4. You mean he didn't jump up and down asking for a new contract when he still had 3 years left Nevertheless... great news.
  5. VG you're right when you say Giants fan know the value of Shockey. I'm yet to see anyone on this board claim the team is better without him. and lmao at the Columbian drug loard.. lol
  6. I would've liked it better without that middle finger. Just "18 and One GIANT Loss"
  7. You make a good case for Plax and I'm sure some here would agree with you. I just don't see the point of signing a contract if halfway thru it, the player decides he's underpaid. And I don't think Plax had excellent seasons before 2007.
  8. You know, I don't see why Plax suddenly has a bargaining power.. he FINALLY played well this season.. in 2007. Now suddenly he wants to get paid the big bucks? Maybe the Giants should get a refund when he played like shit... when he let Pacman intercept the ball right before his eyes.. for every time he threw his arms in the air when the ball didn't hit him between the #s.
  9. All it takes for this problem to "go away" is for GMs to get together and say "fuck this guy". That's it.. no ifs ands or buts about it. Don't sign his players... have them go to the CFL..
  10. We can handle both... In a lot of ways, fans maybe venting their frustration for the Greatest DE to play for the Giants... on Plax and Shockey... fuck them. Much love to Strahan, I hope to see him hanging out in Albany when training camp starts (correct me if I'm wrong about the location please)
  11. No BB, I was very upset with the way he quit and the way he acted towards his teammates.. particularly Eli. I love Eli.. I love his work ethic.. I love how he stands there and takes responsiblity.. I love how he never shows off his teammates. Tiki acted in such a way that turned me and many Giants fans off... Sure Tiki was a great player for us, but he wouldnt' be anything without his teammates.. and without the coach he threw under the bus calling plays for him. As far as Strahan...
  12. Well said Fish and Martin. Shockey needs to shape up... just like Plax did before his latest fuck up.. holding out. I think we as fans are still holding on to see the real Shockey finally show up... We're basing our opinions on potential rather than actual acheivements. The way I see it, the Giants FO should hold their ground with BOTH players... Shocky and Plax need to be loyal the Giants.. and prove it day in and day out. If not I'm sure the money we'll save from both of them can land even better players with a zest of blue collar work ethic in them.
  13. He is getting paid. He just has to wait his turn and honor his current contract. Besides, it's not like he played lights out every year.. only last season... that's it.
  14. Not really. That clause is there when a contract is signed.. as I stated in my previous response, it will be a great deterrence.
  15. I just threw a # out there. Now understand this.. when the player signs a contract, he's usually happy as shit... last thing on his mind is a hold out half way thru his contract... he'll probably look at the clause with a smirk on his face.. and sign anyway. Now think about it.. if a player is fine half a million for each day (up to the contract amount for that year of course), how many players will even THINK of holding out?
  16. That's not practical. I think the league should stay out of this. It's up to the team when they finalize the contract to add that clause that says: "In the even of a player hold out, the team reserves the right to penalize the player up to $500,000 for each day"
  17. The thing is the guy has 3 years left on his contract. He signed that contract didn't he? Now I can imagine if it's the final year and he's looking to cash in...
  18. I think most people on the board and I'm one of them stood by Shockey. Those who say the Giants are better without him are the minority of the minority... and I contend are not true Giants fans because they fail to see what Shockey brings to the table. Having said that, there's no evidence to suggest that the FO office acted inappropiately... if you remember in previous seasons.. that "source" was none other than Tiki Barber.
  19. lol, actually I think Plax is overrated in the sense that he's lived up to his potential in 2007. Other than that he was medicore at best. Nothing worse than having a great talent with a lazy player...
  20. I praised Plax when he played to his potential. The Giants organization has ripped up players' contracts and wrote new ones to reward them. This guy has 3 years left... I bet you if he was to repeat his performace of 2007, the Giants will reward him accordingly... going about it the childish way is what pisses me and others off...
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