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Everything posted by Nas

  1. There's NOTHING wrong with him remaining a Giant. I've made that clear already. The problem is he wants MORE money as though he didn't sign the dotted line for his existing contract. Why would the Giants cut Plax unless he stinks up the joint? Now, is Plax afraid his 2007 performance was a mere aberration? Is he really afraind he's going to get cut? I doubt it.. it's about greed... and ego.
  2. I don't have a problem with Buress being a Giant.. he should remain a Giant.. where I have a problem is him making it an issue when he still has THREE years on his contract. Jeez.. you think if he plays well this upcoming season, the Giants won't sign him to an extension?
  3. You asked for it big bro.. lol
  4. Not gonna happen. Not after cheating.
  5. Well and if we let anyone who has a good year just whine about a new deal, then we're opening the flood gates... The way I see it, a player must honor what he signed the dotted line for. If the team renegotiate his deal 1 or 2 years before the current deal is up then it's icing on the cake.
  6. So to "prove" Plax wasn't exaggerating his injuries, you post his own book as your source? Btw, I'm walking with a fractured toe as we speak. I will be heading to the ER later on tonight because it's gotten worse...
  7. No I wouldnt' criticize the FO because they would be paying for someone who's not performing. I guess that's where I disagree with some of you guys. I have more of a GM/business mentality. If we keep spoiling these players, we won't have much money to retain other talents or lure them.
  8. I think that's the point... Kiwi heard a whistle.. or thought he heard a whistle.
  9. And all I'm saying is he should continue playing till there's 2 years left on his contract then ask for a regotiation.
  10. :clap: :clap: :worshippy: :worshippy: :worshippy: :worshippy: :worshippy: I'm proud to say that I've been on Eli's bandwagon since day one.. and never even thought of jumping off.
  11. For your information, I lived in Brooklyn Heights most of my life. I recently moved to the Bronx when I decided to own instead of renting... owning in my mid 20s... not bad for a guy who sent himself to school and had to pay his parents rent while at it.
  12. That's not the measure. As a matter of fact therein lies the reason he gets paid 7 figures and I don't. What does that have to do with anything anyway? He's getting paid.. handsomely I might add. It's on his shoulders to show class and stop whining about his contract.
  13. Exactly. Which makes Plax's holdout all much more childish.
  14. There are Cowboys fans in GB
  15. Buress didn't break his foot though. Bro, I swear I played with fractured foot not knowing it was fractured till after the game in the ER. Maybe I have high pain tolerance... And i'm not even basing my criticism for Plax on that... if he was too hurt to play, he would've sat.. evidently he was able to play despite the pain... We all applaud him for that. The issue is he has 3 years left on his contract and if he continues to play at the level he played last season, the Giants or any other team will pay premium dollar for him. Is he afraid his 2007 performance was an aberation? Why sign a six year contract if you're going to stall halfway thru it? Why not sign a 3 year contract? Does anyone have the contract details broke down by earnings by year? I would be shocked if it was front loaded and now that he's at the lower end (because he already made the big bucks), he's crying wolf.
  16. Blu, the guy still has 3 years left.... not 1 or 2. Besides, he won't get cut now because he's earning his money. A player is cut when he's not living up to his contract.
  17. I applauded him when he played like the superstar he's supposed to be... It made up for all the bad antics in previous seasons. Now, as a fan, all I ask is he honors what he signed to do.. he still has 3 more years on his contract.. asking to renegotiate it now is ridiculous. I'm afraid it can fuck out our cap big time.. suddenly everyone is looking for a big pay day.
  18. Actually, I don't know anyone who's gotten more ankle sprains than me.. I was too fast for my own good. I had to wear ankle braces to continue playing.. a pain in the ass at first but then you get used to them.
  19. No jealousy in my heart, my friend. The point I'm making is.. HE IS GETTING PAID. No one asked to equate that. I think the guy was faking it.. he played lights out, didn't he? Was in he pain? maybe... but he was well enough to play.
  20. Wow!!! I didn't know he wasn't getting paid before. So that 3.25 MILLION Dollars he's scheduled to make this year is a hoax? What's wrong with you people?
  21. There's no "bullshit" in my stories, dude. I happened to be a tough little guy who LOVES the game. It's been my belief that professional athletes exaggerate their injuries... We play injured.. we go to work sick.... enough already. It's been over 6 months since our last game... I don't want to hear about his ankle again.
  22. Eli is untouchable in my book. His lackluster play from time to time wasn't due to lack of effort; more like growing pains. I never get down on a guy for making mistakes, I get down on him for no putting his heart into what he does.. for not giving it a 1100%. I dont' think anyone here can say Eli was giving less than 100% on every play. Plax on the other hand had the talent.. we all knew that... yet for some crazy ass reason, he wasn't living up to that reputation... till this season...
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