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Everything posted by Nas

  1. I'm begin caustious here, I'm not ready to sing his praises till I see how he performes after the injury.. meaning the injury didn't have any permanent damage.
  2. Mitchell was good but not great. The flashes I saw from Wilkinson showed he's better. Let's hope everything falls in place for us again.
  3. So we know it's hard to repeat as champs. I think the goal is always be competitive.. give yourself a chance. I think we can pretty much get over the loss of everyone we've lost.. we either added similar if not better talent or have a stud like Tuck to step in for the Great Strahan. What do you guys think?
  4. Well, that just makes our DL salivate to pummel him....
  5. This reminds of Bill Parcells when he was coaching the Jets. The media was saying well they only lost most of their games by less than 3 points (they really sucked that season)... Parcells basically said that's how games in the NFL are decided... hardly any blow outs anyway. So he wasn't buying into that aww shucks we came so close bullshit.
  6. You could say that about 80% of the teams in the in NFL. Even though he comes off confident, he actually sounds like a whiner. What the fuck were all those "should'ves" those were way too many.
  7. It's good he has confidence and seems motiviated but it's bad karma to just say should've should've should've... how many sacks did Osi have that day? I mean, I like McNabb and all but not having a sense of humility is disturbing. I hope no Giant make any prediction.. god I hate those. Just keep your mouth shut and let your play do the talking.. then AFTER you win, say "We Stomped you out"
  8. I wish you had better choices. He's neither great and misunderstood nor a loud mouth asshole. He's somewhere in between.. and since this is a business first and foremost, I wish him best of luck.
  9. I don't know if it sounds like a guy who wants to be traded or not.. if I had to guess I'll say no.. maybe at the time he felt the heat and had 2nd thoughts but I tell you what this sounds like.. it sounds like a kind in junior high issuing threats. If being in the NFL alone doesn't get you to play to your fullest, then you're not worthy.. now suddenly he's going to play lights out because the team opposite of him has NY on their helmets?... how about our team pummels him?
  10. Yes I know... we parted it ways and he's in a better position and so are we.
  11. To be fair this was said BEFORE the trade. Let's leave it at that.. and even if he talks shit, let him.. I like our to team to do not talk.
  12. Shockey never really reached his potential. I don't think he will be missed that much. Like I said he and the Giants weren't a good fit anymore and they had to part ways. We got a good deal and the saints got a good deal. Time to move on.
  13. Actually they won't even have to try... assume the guy misses 2 games due to injuries... Then he can sit out in plays during bullshit times.. or just in different packages...
  14. All the saints have to do is sit him 3 games and avoid the whole thing... and that's assuming he plays in every snap otherwise. Besides, I like the 2nd and 5th in 2009 anyway. On a side note: it seems the Saints feel they're pretty damn close to winning it all.. and I agree.
  15. Other than Strahan... I don't know what "key" players we lost.. Mitchell??
  16. I'm one of those who believe Shockey didn't want to be here anymore.. not under Tom Coughlin and not with Eli's MVP status. It's over.. both teams got a pretty good deal uner the circumstances.
  17. My sentiment exactly.
  18. I bet you in next year's draft you will be salivating at the prospect of what we can do with all those pix.. like moving up for example... just remember, next year's draft is 9 months away . Besides, we tried to get their safety.. we couldn't.. so we landed our own stud... Our methodology of building thru the draft has paid dividents for us... unlike the redskins who have the opposite philosophy.
  19. We actually have a client here with the last name Lockhart. I laugh my ass off everytime.. lol
  20. Shocky has a lot of talent no doubt but the Giants wasn't a good fit for him anymore.. and he wasn't a good fit for the Giants. Reese played his cards right.. he tried to get more but couldn't.. 2nd and 5th ain't too shappy for a TE who didn't want to be here.
  21. I bet you if and when Shockey plays very well down there, you're going to hear some fans talk shit about the Giants' front office. Truth of the matter is, Shockey as talented as he is needed a different scene.. a different team. The Giants are better off without him and he's better off somewhere else. Man I don't know if I will miss his fiery attitude or just think those were just antics. Good Luck, Shock.
  22. Makes you wonder why Miami was so against the Giants speaking to Taylor
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