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Everything posted by Nas

  1. No it's the fact that he has not 1 not 2 but THREEE (that's right with 3 Es) years left on his fucking contract... and he only played exceptional this year... Should the Giants have asked for a refund for the first couple of years he was an average receiver making above average salary?
  2. I didn't think he was injured last year... you really think I'm going to believe his bullshit now.. after this long lay off?
  3. you guys had me fooled.. I'm like what in the world.. what run by Brandon? .. then I simply let out a huge Doh!
  4. Thanks, Charlie. I don't even know why everyone seem to want to bash this guy. So he was our Back up QB.. but who here did he rub the wrong way? and why the animosity?
  5. Very true. And don't forget the Media is attracted to those who will give them something to write about. You don't see the media attracted Shaun O'Hara or Steve Smith.. or Amani Toomer.. etc. You act likea clown, the cameras will be flashing.. plain and simple. I hold nothing against Shockey, I wish him well with the Saints. Quite frankly, I don't know why we're still discussing this...
  6. But we know what US Patriot looks like:
  7. Still in my 20s.. getting really close to that 30 . But I confess when I play now, which is not as much (mainly because everyone's gotten old and I'm the only one still yelling to play every week).. but when I do I'm sore for weeks.. not to mention the injuries. The injuries part is mainly because guys are bigger. Certainly tackling my friend when we were both 110 lbs and 140 was a lot easier than now.. now they're easily pushing 200 lbs on average and while I'm almost always successful in bringing them down, I'm in a world of pain on each tackle.
  8. Haha, nice. I'm getting flashbacks of a two-hand touch game we played a couple of years ago... the game lasted 2 minutes and we ended up playing tackle as I'd been lobbying to play tackle all day long.. It seems one of the guys on the opposite team caught a ball and my "2 hand touch" was a bit rough.. ok.. the kid (who was exactly my size) was leveled much to his surprise and everyone else's. To his credit he wasn't expecting to get hit.. and neither was it my intention to hit him.. it was more football instincts than anything else... After laughing our asses off, my friends knew I just can't play two hand touch so we decided to play the game the way it was meant to be played. It must be torture being out there and not be able to hit.. regardless on which side of the ball you're at.
  9. Nas


    No that doesn't mean he's fragile. Quad and Hamstring injuries are a bitch.. I've had both. What these young guys don't know is how to stretch properly. It's amazing what one Yoga class a week can do to eliminate most of those injuries.
  10. Nas


    I'm sure everyone knows my stance about Burress by now. I will admit, I'm more of a GM than a Player kind of guy. I like to took at the situation from all angles. Look, all I ask is that Burress honors his current contract before he ask for another deal.. and it's not like the Giants won't give him a new deal when the end of his current one ends. Plax want to be a Giant.. then he needs to put on the uniform and keep his mouth shut. And it's not like he's the only stud WR out there... if he leaves, the Giants can use the same amount of money to sign another WR with similar talents...
  11. Nas


    Well everyone is entited to ROI. I don't fault the owners for wanting more revenue given the size of their investment. And I think we have some of the best owners/organization in the league.. hands down. And we are the Super Bowl Champions!!!!
  12. Nas


    It really doesn't matter. The Giants can go without winning a single playoff game over the next decade and we'd still be better than the cowboys.
  13. Nas


    Money makes the world go round.
  14. Nas


    The end result is the same.. he gets to sit out.. which I don't disagree with. I'm all for camp but most of the time it's grueling.
  15. Nas


    My guess is A. He's pulling a Michael Strahan and B. He's putting pressure on the organization to renegotiate his deal. This is one hell of an ankle "injury" that's for sure.
  16. how can i begin to read the fucking article if there is an ad that wouldn't go the fuck away.. some of these fucks are frustrating...
  17. He's versatile enough to do both.. depending on the situation.
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