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Everything posted by Nas

  1. Because we love, Mike... I don't think many of us appreciated what Tiki on his way out... Had he stuck around and was a team player.. appreciated the organization that drafted him and the fans who cheered him on.. maybe.. just maybe he would've been a GIANT icon.
  2. But the Giants do have a habit of making every game a nail biter... don't you agree?
  3. And you know.. maybe on paper Dallas is a better team.. after all we did lose our starting DEs from last year.. so this makes for a very interesting Match up... our division rocks.
  4. Copy Rights, ma dude.. copy rights
  5. Teams make adjustments. Don't expect the Giants to run up the score.. not to mention the Giants go conservative after scoring a TD :brooding:
  6. Damn.. I was still throwing eggs at buses back then (good times )
  7. The last time the cowboys won a playoff game... I was still a virgin
  8. Nas

    osi and kiwi

    "You can never have too many DEs"... If we were able to rotate that D Line with Stra and Osi in the mix, I'm sure we'll have no problem rotating them without Strahan... and that's a problem I like having
  9. Leaked? If he didn't want it leaked, he would've kept his trap shut. The Giants made him what he is.. not the other way around... and trust that "unnamed person" inside that locker room vanished when he retired. Respect is a two way street and he didn't respect us or the organization.
  10. Man I don't think I was ever more devastated about a player leaving the game like when Barry did.
  11. I'm sorry but to say that Strahan and Barber should be afforded the same treatment is a bit misguided in my opinion. Strahan waited till after the season to announce his retirement.. while... well we all know the fucking circus...
  12. I respect your take... You will be hard pressed to find many here who think the Giants should be ranked #1. I know defense wins championships.. and ours is easily in the top 3.. as a matter of fact, I can't think of a team that has better defense than us right now... We lost Stra and Osi but we have Kiwi and Tuck who are, at least in my opinion, better than Stra and Osi... Strahan wasn't getting any younger. Then add to the mix our much improved D backfield. Offensively, we have as many play makers as any.. less egos now that Shocky in NO. Having said that I believe respect is earned. All the Giants need to do is beat those better teams and the analysts will catch up.
  13. Nas

    osi and kiwi

    a. 1 game is not enough to measure. b. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it. For now, I'm focused on 2008.
  14. Egg, I don't care if the pope has an affair with Madonna.. I don't care if the Giants never win a game again... we have XLII to be proud of... we beat you in your own house.. we beat the packers in arctic.. and we beat the then-undefeated Patriots... and we gave America and the world a Super Bowl for the ages. Not just did we play lights out, even our uniforms look great.. the way I see it, we're the world's champs.. hands down.. no ifs ands or buts about it.
  15. Actually all of us here look at the ranking and.. "for entertainment purposes only". No insecurity on our part.. we're the world champs.. we stomped the best of the best... in their own back yard.. beginning with Tampa.. to Dallas.. "Aw shit".. to the frozen bay... What we find amazing time and again is how there's a collective cock-sucking agreement towards certain teams.. dare I say.. the cowboys?
  16. I wish JS the best of luck... he's a good player that didn't fit here. I'm not going to second guess our decision to part with him.. ever. We're 1-0... St Luis Next!!!
  17. No, that's reserved for that Cowboys' coach when every time Eli completed a pass...
  18. Fuck that.. Call him Amtrack!!!
  19. Actually manning was spectacular... you know how Plax played lights out against Green Bay? Who threw him those passes?
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