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Everything posted by Nas

  1. I missed that. Reminds me of a few years ago when some of us angry fans were wishing the worst for the Eagles. One poster said I wish they go 0-17. Someone told him.. ok I know they can go 0-16 but how can a team go 0-17? The response was "They'll suck so bad they'll be credited with a loss during the bye week" lol
  2. I don't think he's average at all. He's playing the toughest position in one of if not the best OL in the league... In his first year the team won the SB and are undefeated so far... average? More like grass is greener on the other side, Carlos.
  3. Most defeinitely. So-Cal I don't think this team's chemistry will be affected at all.. at least not in a negative way. You're brining in a star who's a team player.. this can only make your team that much better. My hat off to those KC fans on that message board, they love the guy.
  4. Sure.. if you can find a team that's willing a linebacker who's worth trading for. KC is in a unique situation where they may benefit from unloading TG.. and the Giants can pay the price and will benefit greatly.
  5. 4-0. Let's not overlook the Browns.. or anyone.
  6. Obviously this came out of the blue and it may take us sometime to think about it... however, since we do have picks to trade.. and since we can get help at the TE position.. not saying Boss isn't good but having 2 good TE's is even better. I think the question I would ask this: Does TG has at least 3 good years left in the tank? If so, I say trade for him.
  7. Yep, but we've come to accept USP as:
  8. Toomer is one of the all time Giants greats imo. He's no super-star but he's steady and clutch. Oh and he's a classy down to earth person too.
  9. http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/football...t_browns_w.html
  10. Fucking hillarious . I'm emailing this to my friend.. the cowboy's fan
  11. Just where in New York would you build it?
  12. I don't know about that. Lately we've been breaking a lot of bad habits... no more losing to bad teams.. no more dumb penalties.. no more unnamed source, no more losing after a bye... eh.. I'm comfortable with #1.. except I don't think we've played anyone yet.
  13. Funny. My 9 year old nephew said McKenzie looks like Mr T without the Mohawk
  14. This article is wayyyyyy early. Shit.. we nor the titans have played anybody yet... even the skins.. that was their first game under a new coach... kindda like us the first 2 games of last year.
  15. He's till he starts talking about video games and wrestling.. and buy me this and buy me that.. waaa waaa waaa... my name is Plaxico.
  16. Congrats, Jim. I, too, can not help you with this issue but I'm interested to find out because I plan on going back to Yemen for a year or two (if not for good). And it would kill me if I can't watch Giants games there.
  17. Let's not blame the media. Blame #17 who talks like my 9 year old nephew.
  18. My friend (a die hard Dallas fan) texted me yesterday saying "Giants Titans Super Bowl". I replied "So far so good but we haven't played anybody yet". The true test will come during the 2nd half of the season... Pittsburg.. Dallas twice, Philly Twice.. Washington.. etc.
  19. Another stat is that we've allowed a league low 12.25 points per game.
  20. Actually I thought about that today when ESPN were talking about the Redskins having only one turnover.. on special teams no less. I wasn't sure how many we have... I knew about one Eli INT.. but nothing else.
  21. "truth" doesn't have to be told in public. That's like your boss telling you suck in front of your co-workers.. and clients. Don't try to protect that childish fuck.. you know what Discipline is, Marine don't you?
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