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Everything posted by Nas

  1. To me the back breaker was Gilbride calling a pass play when we were running the ball down their throats... that play ended up with an INT returned for a TD.. a 14 point turn around
  2. I don't mind BadEgg's postings. He's a cowboy fan and I expect him to be biased towards his team. Sure some of his postings lack maturity but that's not a reason for us to just ignore him... Let's look at the upside, we can use a few more fans of other teams on this board... not necessarily trolls but real fans who can argue/debate objectively.
  3. That's what my sister suspects.. she said after his 3rd shot, he got sick.. and it was down hill from there.
  4. The reason he showed up is because we finally lost.. it just so happened the trade was there too.
  5. I stand by what I said by blaming Gilbride.. that fucking pass (the one returned for a TD) should've never been thrown.. not when we were running the ball down their throats and they coudln't stop us... we should've kept running the ball till we got into that end zone.. it would've been a 6 point game..
  6. He's autistic. But that's a spectrum and everyone has their own idea as to what autism is. My sister has been doing her own research and following every lead... I swear she knows more about the subject than doctors out there... she suspected her child got some form of seizure.. not really bad.. but bad enough. SHe's been trying to see a neurlogist for weeks.. and FINALLY she saw one.. who wouldn't even let my sister talk about the kid... and she finally agreed to recommed an EEG... except we have to wait 2 fucking weeks till they call us to let us know when we can bring the child for EEG.. I don't understnad the fucking mind set. So the child had a 3 minute long seizure yesterday.. and we decided to take him to Beth Israel hospital.. sure enough they admitted him and they're doing the 24 hr EEG as we speak.
  7. Ross had a bad game and now he's terrible? And how much more emphasis should we have put into the secondary? Didn't we use the first 2 rounds to draft a safety and a CB? Let's not panic here.. the Browns were desperate and we made a couple of bad plays that turned the game upside down. As I'd pointed out before.. we we running the ball down their throats when we were down 13 or 14.. picking up 8 yards here and 6 yards there.. then We fucking pass... which was intercepted and returned for a TD... so instead of being down 6, we were down 21... that was the play that killed us.
  8. See Egg.. this is what you, not being a Giants fan, is missing: We, Giant fans, never got too high about our team. As a matter fact a simple look at my recent posts before last night games will tell you that we have our heads in the right place... I said.. "we haven't played anybody yet". Having said that: Do the Browns suck? Evidently they don't. What were the factors that lead to them winning. Personally I thought they had a better game plan.. they went Max protect so our DL couldn't rattle their QB and they got rid of the ball pretty quickly. I though our coaching sucked last night.. namely when we were trailing by 2 scores.. we were running the ball down their throats.. and Gilbride decided to pass... and the INT was returned for a TD.. a 14 point turn-around... that one fucking call cost us the game, imo. Understand the Browns played desperate.. and they played hard. It's our first loss of the season and of course it stings. But I tell you what... we're still in first place.
  9. Actually head coach should be the least of their worries... Garrett is on their payroll and they like him. What I meant by betting the house is the cowboys gave up a lot for Roy Williams... Of course I happened to believe Roy is one of the best receivers in the league.. Personally I think he's better than TO, Ocho, and Plax... Not to mention he doesn't have baggage. Is the price too high? Some said we paid too much for Eli.. so I won't go down that road. Can the cowboys keep their current roster and remain under the salary cap? The skins seem to do it year and year out... so I don't know. The Cowboys are a better team today than they were yesterday.. that's for sure.. no one can dispute that. It seems to me they're not interested in developing players and are viewing 2008 as their year.. only time can tell.
  10. My guess is Jones thinks he can win it all this year and he's betting the house in the process.
  11. Thanks USP. He and my sister are still over at the hospital and it turned out they'll run all the tests we've been waiting for (for months.. thanks to the bureaucracy and self-righteous doctors who think they know it all). I couldn't go to work today because I came home very late and I would have to head back to the hospital later on today.
  12. It seems cleveland was going max protect on every single play. Combine that with them getting rid of the ball pretty quickly and that fact that our secondary gave up one play after another.
  13. I'm sure all of us were disappointed.. but not the sky isn't falling. The Browns played desperate and it showed. The parts I saw in the Game, your defense came close but no cigar. Cleveland were getting rid of the ball pretty quickly. I had to take my 6 yo nephew to the ER last night so I can't really put together what happened during the game... although that last INT returned for a TD devastated me.
  14. Well I hope you like your job and I hope they're paying you well for having to wake up that early. Otherwise, I suggest you update your resume
  15. Well, the image we have of Shockey was that of his potential.. the "flashes" we saw in his rookie year.. since then, It's been one injury after another and one dropped pass after another. Is Shockey a better TE than Boss? Maybe... but overall which would you rather have as part of the team.. besides, Boss hasn't had as many chances to show what he can do. It seems to me he caught almost every pass thrown at him...
  16. Fuck. You beat me to it. That name gives me instant migraines.
  17. Nope. You should blame him. He's a player just like the rest of them... this is no different than Plax & Shockey throwing their hands in the air after you know what. TO should get his ass beat in the locker room. Those linemen should make an example out of him... wedgie anyone?
  18. Did anyone notice TO is reverting back to the old TO? Yelling at teammates... and what not.
  19. The chances of the NFL suspending him are pretty good.
  20. Yea we all do.. but it's not like Boss is going to get cut.. he's our future TE no matter what. There's nothing wrong with having two very good TEs.
  21. Totally. If the guy was hurt, shouldn't that be an injury time out? Of Course AZ would've been charged the time out since it was within the final two minutes.. but don't give them 5 yards... That's my understanding of the rule.
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