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Everything posted by Nas

  1. He just doesn't ahve the body to do so... the ball has to be throw prefectly for him to catch it. He's stiff. Yoga anyone?
  2. I saw ESPN's when the first came out but didn't want to post them because that's your trade mark
  3. Oh I will. I'm sure my friend will be too shocked to think straight
  4. Nas

    Bad Calls

    Well I believe if the defender can stop his momentum or at least avoid contact, he should do it. We shouldn't be trying to paralyze anyone. I remember that hit aginst Ike Hilliard when was clearly down... I was very upset. Even though I thought the flag was BS, maybe Kenny could've stopped in time.
  5. Nas

    Bad Calls

    I don't like the call nor the hit.. reason I say this is because we all know the call was bullshit. The reason I don't like the hit because it was inches away from probably breaking the guys neck... I know it's a rough game.. I play it after all.. but I just hate to see a human being go paralyzed...
  6. No I'm stereotyping blacks who don't know their fucking history... I know I wasn't born back then but some of you older fellas KNOW exactly what the fuck I'm talking about. And judging by the Republican party's views on Islam, the more things change, the more they remain the same.
  7. Wow, ESPN really hates us... I mean looking at the game stats we pretty much beat the steelers in every category..
  8. THat play did look awful but I'm willing to give Butler a pass.. fuck it we won.
  9. Wow wow.. wow.. . :clap: :worshippy: :worshippy: :worshippy: Even more material for when I see my friend (who's a die-hard Cowboys fan) for our annual thanksgiving football game
  10. They want to bench Johnson becasue they're afraid Tuck, Kiwi, and Robbins will eat him.. literally
  11. Yes: A TD, a safety, and 4 field goals Or 7 field goals.. or 9 filed gaos but you miss 2
  12. I think that's been the plan all along. Funny how they talk about Spags.. whatever happened to the Eagles' DC? No one offered him a job.. what's up with that?
  13. Hindsight being 20/20 yea we should've kept him. Back then we all thought he got paid too much and that might've fucked up our cap situation... But again, we unloaded Shockey... Good for Kawika though.
  14. Eh, courtesy/respect is a two way street. Don't expect someone to talk smack and expect me to be mother Teresa... Yea I carry myself with great humility.. till I encounter arrogance.
  15. I agree. The long passes (I think it was only one since the other was called back for holding) is the only thing negative.. other than that It was a great effort.
  16. The cowboys will play us tough. Last thing I want is for us to take them lightly thinking they're going to be easy to beat; they won't. I don't like predictions because I'm ALWAYS wrong in that department.
  17. Oh ok. You're free to go then.
  18. Their other loss was against Philly.. All in all I felt this game was a statement game for us and pointed out the Giants needed to get to big Ben if they plan on winning this game. I didn't know Pitt was ranked at #1 defense and they were successful getting a couple of long balls on us... one was called back for holding of course. But all in all our D played great.. and Corey Webster is playing lights out.
  19. Boy, I need advil after all this... I'm glad we won but I'm still mad over the bullshit calls for the Steelers and non-calls for us... Dallas Next.
  20. First they make ANOTHER bullshit call on Boss then they fucking miss the hold on Smith just now? Fuck them.
  21. I'm only posting during halftime... A few things to get off my chest: - I think that "goal-line stand" was bullshit. The overhead cam showed BJ broke the plain. - The call on our safety (mental block: his name escapes me atm) is pure bullshit. - Overall I expected this kindda close game...
  22. Usually that's the first step to being an athlete. 65% of of Americans don't make that first step.. so why start a discussion over it?
  23. Dude, I don't NEED (nor do I have the time) to read his fucking contract to see what kind of crybaby he is. He has not fucking discipline and his sense of entitlement is only rivaled by TO.
  24. Yea.. another fucking 30 minutes of blah....
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