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Everything posted by Nas

  1. It's not that JGF. I think it has to do with the Giants remaining at #2 and Titans @ #1... no change... nothing to say except.. wait till TN loses a game.
  2. No. He lives on 15 Yemen Drive, Yemen
  3. That makes you a traitor. according to booyah
  4. Personally, I don't hate shockey.. I don't hate anyone for that matter. The one I'm a bit ticked off at is Tiki.. Nevertheless, what's odd is Shockey used to throw his hands in the air.. embarrassing Eli... Now it got done to him.
  5. I say the Giants take care of business against the Ravens... and Sunday night.. it's a win-win either way
  6. You... you.. you my friend. I tell ya.. you're good.. you're good
  7. I'm not nervous. This team is breaking up bad habits one after another.
  8. The jury is still out on Plax. Reese did cut Luke P and Traded Shockey... it's not too hard to find a stud WR out there especially with all the draft pix we got.. not to mention Manningham and Hixon are already on the team and are just waiting their time to shine.
  9. Yes our O-line opens up huge hole and hedgegcock is awsome... however Ward can be a starter on a few teams... I feel we can keep all 3 for years to come. The upside of having this 3-some is they get to say fresh for the post season as opposed to having on RB carry the load and by the time we get to the post=season, he's too beat up and the back is too rusty. I think Ward staying with this Dynasty is a win-win.
  10. Didn't Manning just get his contract redone and he's locked up for years to come? (not sure)
  11. http://myespn.go.com/blogs/nfceast/0-5-66/...herly-love.html
  12. From a Giants fan stand-point, you'd want to root for the boys because the skins have the better record... But since we have a resident Redskins fan here (Mikmak), you'd be inclined to root for the skins. And the good thing about this is... rooting has shit to do with the outcome of the game... so I tell ya.. Get ya popcorn ready
  13. I'm not saying you don't have a valid point. But Toomer is a veteran and out of respect, I would leave him on the field till he hangs 'em up.
  14. Those are the worst.. 2nd worst actually. Yemeni Jews are the worst
  15. hmmm.. no. Toomer has earned his stripes and he's clutch.
  16. I'd like to know what happened to make Brees go off on him like that.
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