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Everything posted by Nas

  1. I wouldn't say the skins are terrible.. they played terrible last night indeed but they always play us tough.
  2. I think the ravens had allowed 68 yards per game on the ground. that means they'd allowed 612 yards prior to yesterday's game. I think we rushed for 203 which means now they've allowed 815.. in 10 games they allowed 81.5 YPG... does that still qualify as best in the league?
  3. Talk about fall from grace.. lol.
  4. There are still a lot of games to be played... last thing I want is for us fans and players to think this far ahead.
  5. It's amazing... we can't wait for the fucking weekend to get here.. then Saturday is an all out boring day.. by far the worst day of the week... waiting for Sunday... only to sit there and think oh fuck I gotta work tomorrow
  6. To his credit, he's matured a great deal since that dreaded Super Bowl. He sounds a lot more grounded than before.
  7. Boss or Hedgecock should be seeking Ray Lewis and neutralize him before he gets to the RB.
  8. If it's the same Frank Walker, then yea.
  9. The newspapers have been hyping up this game.. especially the Ravens' defense makes you think we won't move the ball at all... let's hope we smash them the same way we smashed philly.
  10. It's natural.. and in my opinion it's healthy. Nothing worse than going into a game thinking you're going to stomp them only to get stomped on.
  11. Man.. talk about in depth analysis..
  12. I just can't with for the game to start.. it's been a miserable Saturday... and it sucks that it's on CBS...
  13. This is just a matter of counting the hits and discounting the misses. Yea there are 3 letters in Eli but what about Elisha? Tom Brady's Birthday is on the 12.. 1 + 2= 3... how about everyone else's birthday.
  14. I'm never comfortable looking that far ahead. Our focus, fans included, should be on the next game and the next game only.
  15. I'm not much of a drinker.. but you can tell when the drink just doesn't taste right... seems like they were using that Soda fruit punch instead of the real juice.. safe to say I was sick to my stomach.
  16. Oh I got busted once... and since then I consider myself the luckiest man alive. To be fair, I wasn't so much drunk as I was sick to my stomach. I think the bar uses cheap (high sugar) juices to mix their drinks. I was so sick that I wanted to puke and it showed. I got pulled over not because I was swerving all over the place, I was actually driving 20 mph cruising home. There was a check point down the block and I decided to avoid it. I made a right turn but the cops saw that as an indication of some sort. The cop came around leaned onto my window and said "Bro, what are you doing?" I didn't know what to think.. he basically told me that I could either go with them (to jail) or to the hospital. I told him that I'm just sick of the drinks I had and that it got worse as I was driving home. He instructed me to get out of my car.. drove my car to the curb and parked it. Then politely asked me to stay there for an hour or two till I feel better and go home. I'm forever grateful to that cop.. god knows some are assholes.
  17. Not everyone drinks the same way.. I can tell you the last time I had a drink is January 2007.. and even that I didn't even finish. I was as sober as I can be... I drove home of course because I knew the alcohol level was so low, I was fine to drive.
  18. Usually D-backs show up when he's in full momentum. I think he was going at LBers too.. especially against the eagles.
  19. Excellent point, Nesta. Brandon (and anyone from the NY Giants) don't make the super-star list... we don't send 13 players to the Pro-Bowl.. we just win games.. playoff games.. and super bowls.
  20. No incoming. I'm sure we can debate respectfully... I will argue that no running back can thrive without a solid OL. You really think Emmit Smith is somebody without that offensive line? BJ is huge.. his size along intimidates opponents. Much like ANY big guy, the way to stop him is to hit him before he gains momentum. The thing about having a RB like Jacobs is he punished defenders.. even if they "stop" him... as the game goes on.. their bodies take a beating. Besides the Giants are not a bunch of super-stars... more like a bunch of solid players who play like a team. P.S. I remember a few years ago playing football in CT. I was able to stop Big Jacob on 4th and goal from the 1 yard line... I weighed 135 and he weighed 282... why? I blitzed up the middle and hit him low as soon as he got the ball from the QB.
  21. It was natural to dislike the guy around SB 35.. but really he's a different person now. He's much more humble and political.
  22. I'm not too worried about it. How many here haven't gotten behind the wheel with a little bit of alcohol in their bodies? And most think they can drive just fine... not saying what Kareem did was ok.. but let's not make it bigger than what it is.
  23. The turf is not a problem at all.. it's artificial. Natural grass.. that you gotta worry about.
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