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Everything posted by Nas

  1. Anyone finds it funny all we hear about is how prolific their offense is when they're tied for second... behind the Giants? Ok, so they pass the ball.. a lot... they have no running game. Isn't that a disadvantage to begin with? We have the best pass rush and an underrated secondary...hmmmm who the fuck are the cards anyway?
  2. I like this.. this game now means a lot more to us than before.. thanks to trash talking Cards fans.
  3. I tried to register and it said: "Sorry, registration has been disabled by the administrator" Did they know about me or something?
  4. I don't know about the word "hate". Maybe I have less appreciation for him given his production and his childish behavior of late. Maybe I hope he proves me wrong.. or surprise us like he did last year when played lights out.
  5. Big ego + Insecurity = Attention whore. trust me, I know
  6. Plax hasn't done a lot of wrong.. and I actually came out in his defense after I saw his interview with Pam Oliver. I praised him when he played like I thought he is capable of playing toward the end of last season. The issue I have with him is doesn't seem like he wants to get it together... there's no fire in his belly. I mean for a highly paid WR, he should be a little more visible on the field... and I totally understand that our run game has stolen that thunder.. I just don't think that's all there's to it. I don't think any athlete should injure his hamstring under normal circumstances.. I pointed out before that only under extreme conditions (going on the night before, then the after party, then a football game in which a person plays offense defense and special teams: True story). As a professional athlete, we as fan should expect him to stay in top shape and that includes stretching (yoga anyone?) to keep his body in top shape that he may earn the money he's getting paid. In essence yes I'm a critic of people who whine about their contract even thought he had 3 years left on it.. and then come in the middle of the season with a tweaked hamstring.. out of the blue.
  7. He had 3 years remaining from his previous contract. He figured he needed a new deal.. not sure why given he only played well towards the end of last season. This season.. yes I understand we run first.. but I don't think that accounts for him fading.. he's known to be inconsistent.
  8. That's understandable but any season GM can tell you there are no guarantees.
  9. I guess it would strike as foolish if they didn't construct the contract to avoid this type of thing.
  10. What's their link? I'll go and put some sense into them
  11. Tell him to join us so we may have real debates.. none of those gay ass videos.
  12. It's ok to be nervous... It's far better than thinking you got a W in the bag only to be shell-shocked.
  13. Besides, can't we get a Boldin or an Fitzgeraled with Plax's money?
  14. I do realize it's subjective.. but far from baseless.
  15. Yea, I mean.. look at my avatar ha? How bout it?
  16. Why should I stop stating what I believe? Because some of you disagree?
  17. "Let's add water.. talk about the O Line; they come at you like a tidal wave" Heard that on ESPN this morning
  18. It has nothing to do with being a doctor so much.. it's more about being an athlete. You don anything long enough, you learn so much about the human body. I'll admit I either have high tolerance for pain or adrenaline takes over so that I don't feel anything during the game... the point is, you can't tell me you're injured but you play just fine on Sundays. Sounds to me like someone hates practice..that's all.
  19. For the average Joe, yes... for an athlete, I don't think so. I know some of you believe he was really injured last year... I happened to believe he was either faking it or exaggerating its severity... you don't just limp Monday thru Saturday and play lights out on Sundays... when you feel like it. Besides, ankle injuries usually hurt when you're not warmed up... I can walk onto the field limping and after a few reps I don't even feel the pain... till after the game. When it comes to hamstring injuries, it has much to do with lack of conditioning or over-use. I've had 3 of those.. all 3 were because I was running like a mad man.. and sooner or later my hamstring had to give in... and that's because when we play, we play both sides of the ball and special teams.. so your body never gets a break like you'd get during an NFL game. In essence Plax over-using his hammy is out of the picture.. which leaves me with lack of conditioning... and he looks it.
  20. Tom Coughlin said Thursday that Burress' hamstring became a problem "just now. Overnight and into today."
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