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Everything posted by Nas

  1. Yet more thing to be thankful for: Chase Blackburn
  2. Why does TO and Moss seem to be catching passes left and right and Plax is "double covered"?
  3. No biggie. The guy was looking out for his friend.
  4. Yes, AP isn't the most humble guy either. They were looking for attention going to a club where the average Joe goes.
  5. so if it's accidental = Future raider. But if it's intentional = Future Cowboy
  6. You know.. I think a lot of these guys just don't have good people around them. Take for instance Mike Tyson... he was surrounded by sharks. Plax, from his interview with Pam Oliver, all but said that it's only his family he feels the love from... this guy is fucking lonely. I think he can use a few good people around him.
  7. Umm no. If I was a celeb I wouldn't hang out in a place where others would look to "rob" me. The fuck he went to Latin Quarters for? Last time I was there I was in college and some fat chick I didn't even know nor talked was giving me a back message and my friends were dying laughing.. but seriously that's not a spot for a multimillionaire.. unless he's crying for attention.
  8. Personally I would hang out in spots where I never need a gun nor a body guard. That whole business of sagging their pants and walking with a limp has got to go...
  9. Shouldn't athletes and high profile people in general be going to hot spots that are safe? I mean, why would they go to LQ's?
  10. That's a given. He's a grown man and he sure the fuck do whatever he pleases. Him being at the club is neither here or there.
  11. As Plax's biggest critic, I say yes.. I personally want him back. At this point I'm not ready to pile on the guy. I really really hope this is a wake up call for him. Even though he may think no one cares about him, he needs to be reminded that he's luckier than billions of people...
  12. My friend texted me to let me know the incident took place at a club. Anyone else heard of this?
  13. I don't. I read articles online. I'm Green
  14. No, Ditto, I don't blame you.. you're old. Sorry, couldn't resist
  15. You know.. in his interview with Pam Oliver, he came off as a troubled young man. Not trying to play psychoanalyst here but he seemed very sincere.. his answers came out straight, honest, and to the point. It's almost like he was saying.. no one loves me. I knew right there that deep down he's a good person.. but something wasn't right.. emotionally. I sure hope he's ok for his and his family's sake more than anything.
  16. Bradshaw doesn't trike me as 198 lbs.. but hey looks can be deceiving. I remember about a year ago, my then 8 year old nephew called me from Tennesse.. here's how the conversation went: Newphew: Nasser, I don't think Tiki Barber weighs 221 lbs. Nas: Really, how come? Nephew: I think he weighs 198. I couldn't help but laugh..
  17. Awww, somebody read the daily news this morning
  18. I'm moving to VA now.. and i'm bringing all my camels with me
  19. Very true.. I just want to see Ware in action.. could be a very pleasant surprise. He's a faster Ward.
  20. You mean there's no truth to the rumor that I'm just untouchable?
  21. I'm not sure Ware made the 53 man roster but I wonder if there's even a chance we can see him on the field.
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