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Everything posted by Nas

  1. Osi4, Quite a few of us have come to Plax's defense. I wish there is a way we can express it even more so Plax knows that fans are behind him and are rooting for him.
  2. Does Eli have anything to prove to anyone?
  3. At the time of his departure and given the amount of money the Bills paid him, many of us thought letting him go was the right thing to do. Sure we'd would've liked him to stay but the thinking was he was out of our price range and that his success was a product of the system more than anything.
  4. Plax is done for the season. Depending on the outcome of his legal issues, he may very well come back for the 2009 season and play for the New York Football Giants. You know, I was no fan of Plax and just like every fan, I was disappointed, mad, and angry when this went down... but now our guy is down and he needs all the support he can get from us fans. I wish Plax the best and I hope this event makes him a better man and a better player. Having said that, if Plax never comes back to play for the Giants, I don't see the point of going out to sign some high profile free agent.. especially when most are on the decline...
  5. I'm more on the rehab than the punishment side. He had no ill-intentions.
  6. Nobody here said he shouldn't go to a club and have fun. You seem to want to give him a pass.. 100%. Most of us disagree with that notion. What Nesta said was exactly right and that the boneheaded decisions have to be accounted for. And this life of glamor with all of its downsides comes with the territory.. the territory of being a celeb...
  7. I don't know what you guys the outcome will be... feel free to speculate on the possible scenarios. I think the scenario that's going to play out is this: The Giants will not cut or try to unload Plax contract by any means. The will let him earn whatever he's supposed to earn comes December 10th. This will serve a good gesture coming from the NYG. They compassion and showing that person "you care" is paramount to their image as well as the positive effect it's going to have on Plax who seems to be suffering from some kind of depression (observe closely his interview with Pam Oliver). Then Plax will come back to play for the Giants... a much more humbled Plax and he will play lights out... just think NFC Championship game.. without the antics. The NFL will suspend him for a game or two and the Giants will be content with that punishment.. meaning they won't add their own. If course the best scenario is for us to win the SB again.. for which after that Plax goes to court in March. After deliberation and the case the lawyer makes for Plax being a model citizen who needs help and compassion, Plax is punished with only probation. Plax goes on to play for the Giants and retire as one.
  8. Richard Simmons and Dr Phil were seen entering Plax's mansion.
  9. I've stated numerous times that I think this can be exactly the wake up call Plax needed. He hasn't killed anyone nor has he been that much of a headcase. The incidents he's gotten himself into (except for the last one) strike as tiny and pitty. They can easily be corrected. I'm more inclined to believe he's emotionally unstable and in need of couseling/TLC from his family and friends.. real friends than to be punished. Right now Plax has to deal with the legal situation and I hope everything works out for the better for everyone.
  10. Nas

    Free agent

    You think the Cowboys regret signing TO?
  11. Nas

    Free agent

    I think we're pretty good at WR. We're deep as is. I'm sure there are other spots we can improve on.. like LBer
  12. Yea but not every successful coordinator makes for a successful HC. I hope we keep him and I think we will.
  13. How's calling you an idiot make me a racist?
  14. It's very extreme indeed. And I wish Bloomberg had kept his comments to himself. He has no business trying to influence a case against a player who had no intention of committing a crime to begin with.
  15. Their chances of even making the playoffs maybe at jeopardy if we beat them.
  16. Yeah that's true... good point.
  17. He wasn't dirty cheap. He waited for a better deal and there wasn't any. He still made millions.
  18. From the daily news (this guy doesn't mince words)"
  19. Booyah, you know I've been Plax's biggest critic on this board. I'm not saying what he did wasn't flat out stupid. All I'm saying is the man is down right now and as a fan and a fellow human being, I'm rooting for him to come back and be better than he's ever been. Right now there's a lot of dust and I would like to see that settle before actions are taken.
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