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Everything posted by Nas

  1. I completely disagree with this statement. Sure Plax commited a "crime" and I agree that his action was irresponsible. But there's the factor intent. Plax did not intend to hurt anyone.. and at the end he hurt himself. Plax is a much a victim of NYC's gun laws as he's a victim of his own inner demons.
  2. I just find it amazing that ANYONE would have the nerve to talk shit when we have the best recrod in the league.. against the toughest schedule. Shit dude, if Dallas was 11-1, I'd tip my hat to them and give them props every chance I get.. but I guess that's what separates a classy realist from.. well.. P.S. Last I checked We ARE the World Champions too.
  3. Not just was he playing.. it took him 47 attempts to reach 300 yards.. and you lost.. sheesh: http://scores.espn.go.com/nfl/boxscore?gameId=280928006
  4. Correct me if I'm wrong... when you guys lost to Washington the first time, wasn't Romo playing?
  5. Continue the streak that started in '95 or so?
  6. Should be an exciting game.. man I'd love to continue the streak of the boys not making the playoffs... it's going to be close. The Skins need to get their act together though.
  7. I'm always amazed by how many classless clueless fucks hold high positions. My god, a young man like me tries to learn and naturally we look up to our bosses.. and guess what? They're fucking clueless and classless peices of shit. Just how on earth is Plax's problem reflective of the New York Giants organization? It's not like we signed him AFTER this mess nor did he kill anyone or harm anyone in the process.
  8. He needs to keep the Giants out his mouth. Plax is no criminal... he didn't rob or steal from anyone. I don't know what Henry's issue is nor do I care.
  9. http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/football...in_.html?page=1
  10. Nas


    Someone's cup of coffee is half empty this morning :brooding:
  11. Nas


    :clap: :clap: :clap:
  12. Yea the skins ran trick plays because they couldn't out-power our defense.. and they were held to a single touchdown. Fuck that we're 11-1
  13. I agree about replacing Pierce. He's getting a pass from everyone not just the FO because he hasn't done anything wrong per se. He was in a tough position and had to do something... he was looking out for his friend.
  14. Nas


    Yes but I don't think any of the previous incidents are as serious as this one. Maybe I like the odds of a man when he's hit rock bottom. I'm rooting for him.
  15. Nas


    Is it a complete lack of remorse or an attempt at denial.. and embarrassment. Notice when someone is put in a tough spot, they tend to play it off like it's nothing.
  16. Nas


    I didn't say all that. I just think NYC's gun laws are ridiculous and in violation of the 2nd amendment.
  17. Nas


    'Zackly . Plax isn't a bad person. He strikes as someone who needs help more than anything. I'm rooting for him.. and this case may very well go to the Superme Court. NYC's gun laws are ridiculous and unconstitutional.
  18. Nas


    Of course which is why I'm hoping this is rock bottom for the guy and that's the wake up call he so desperately needed. Overall I think the guy needs the fans' support more than ever.
  19. Nas


    The feelings about Plax and his boneheaded venture of late vary. I would like to know where everyone stands. I, for one, believe we all make mistakes... I also happened to believe NYC's gun laws are unconstitutional. I really feel that this is Plax's wake up call and that he can come back from this and play the game the way he's capable of playing.
  20. We're not trading Plax. He will retire a Giant.
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