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Everything posted by Nas

  1. I guess if there's a bright side in this mess is we get to find out our stinkers before the playoffs.
  2. I think it's a foregone conclusion that the Giants will look to strengthen their LBer corp big time. I won't be surprised if they go after one or even two LBers in FA and more in the draft.
  3. I was wondering when the fucking screen was coming... did we even run one in the first half? Even when Dallas ran theirs...
  4. It's amazing how a loss can expose so many weaknesses. You're on to something and most of us here have know this for sometime... especially the part about Peirce. Plax is sorely missed by the Giants had no choice. Although I disagree with you about our cornerbacks.. I think their play has been better than adequate. Most of the completions against us happen in the Middle of the field with our LBers should be.. and that is where our weakness is defensively. Our O Line just had a terrible day...
  5. I never knew you were on his bandwagon.. I'm not sure any of us were to begin with....
  6. Exactly. Our O-line played like shit today.. totally out of character.. Kareem went down and one of them got sick... Booth looked like a fat old woman out there.
  7. He's a cowboy fan and his team just kicked our team in the mouth and won.. and you don't expect him to gloat? And you guys want him banned too? Nonsense...
  8. Well our O-Line played like shit tonight.. that's where it all started. Our D played great but the O failed miserably... Hixon's one handed attempt was dreadful and the officials missed a critical call on a pass interference call when Toomer was hit just before the ball got there...
  9. http://www.giants.com/news/headlines/story...?story_id=33149
  10. There's no sense of spending $200 on something that costs less than $10 to make. It's one thing I'm a fan.. but it's quite another to be sucked into all kinds of marketing schemes...
  11. The last image I have of Hixon is that big drop
  12. My guess is he will play.. given Jerry Jones' comments about him last week. Whether he's effective.. and whether this may end up biting Dallas in the ass later on... we'll see.
  13. I say do nothing of negative nature to that hat. As a matter of fact the most intriguing option in my opion is to savor that hat.. pit it in some glass cube and take pictures of it as though you're holding your enemy's head after you'd just severed his head. You get to look like a class act by not trashing an oponent (not kicking him when he's down).. and the people will realize the wisdom of keeping your enemy's close.... they see in the back of their heads that you're holding your enemy's skull.. and you show that you're acting like .. you've been there.
  14. Well I don't think the general consensus was that Hixon can replace Plax.. we have no choice.. the guy shot himself in the leg.. literally. Who knows Plax migh've dropped that pass too... the fucking wind was ridiculous. Nevertheless, we lost a game we deserved to lose because everyone except for Eli played half-assed. Well, maybe this lights a fire under their ass to bury Dallas in Dallas next week.. we'll see.
  15. If we're talking about Eli, we know he doens't throw bullets.. but his throws were pretty good and we just had a case of .. well.. a lot of balls were dropped.
  16. Well not really.. consider our first TD was scored by special teams and our last score was in trash time.. no there' no bright side here... unless you consider our team was humbled and brought back to earth.. which is always good. Now they can play again with a fire under their asses.
  17. I guess he's what he is. was he worth a 2nd round pick? so far that doesn't seem to be the case.. but again it's not like he's killing us cap-wise.
  18. We were due a stinker. Really I'd rather get this out of our system now instead of heading into the playoffs 15-1 only to lose our first game... fuck it.. this was a wake up call mostly for everyone.. catch the fucking ball... and when it's that fucking cold and the ball is much heavier and harder to grab, how about running it for once.. I think we can run it can't we?
  19. That man is an attention whore.
  20. I haven't seen that speed... has anyone really?
  21. If the plays work, the guy is a genius and when they don't the call for his head.. and let's see.. we're 11-2... yeah he should be executed
  22. The guy dropped a pass and suddenly we suck? Look, it's fucked up that we lost but it's what it is.. our team came out flat and everyone dropped passes... Would Plax have given us a better chance? No one can say for sure... Plax has disappeared and dropped passes too.
  23. If the question is.. is he worth a first, then I say yes.. he's worth it and a little more. My only concern is, even though he's tough, he's had a couple of pretty serious injuries... and the Jaw is a very delicate place to be severely injured in.. TWICE.
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