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Everything posted by Nas

  1. Man, I can't finish watching this shit.. feels like I'm watching 2 kids in Junior high talking about yo mama... grow the fuck up already.. go to school... shave... take a fucking shower...
  2. I don't know about all that. Just go out with a bunch of friends, don't show off your "bling", and go to places you're least likely to face trouble... LQs isn't one of those places.
  3. lmao.. I will never 2nd guess these guys.
  4. It's either a LB or a WR... I don't see how the Giants can go for anything else.. unless it's another DE.
  5. Excellent point Lou Diamond . I can attest to the the pain and the lengthy recovery process. Our bye week last year was in such a favorable spot that I can argue it was a major factor in us being propelled into winning it all. This year's bye week came at the worst possible time and some demons tell me the NFL intended for the Giants to have that bye week. But even I sometimes don't believe my demons
  6. Not just that.. I'm not interested in band-aids. Quite frankly, no one anticipated Plax acting like T.O... or worse. But on the other hand, our FO should've addressed our WR and LB positions a little better.
  7. It was the Eagles who targeted him knowing that Westbrook would burn him time and again.
  8. And while I agree with you 100%, the truth of the matter most humans don't operate that way.
  9. The trading deadline's past. Nor do I want Horn.. ever.
  10. That's all fine and dandy but the point stands that those who are desperate to avoid "death" are far more empowered to fight than those who strive for higher ground.
  11. I don't know about that. Funny how I hardly saw highlights of any of the Giants' 11 wins and this game against the cowboys is getting breaking-news-like 'round the clock coverage. I mean.. they're talking about how "tough" Romo was to come back and play after he got 3 bullets in the chest... sheesh. Eli took a worse beating and no one praised him for continuing to play.
  12. My guess is our rushing attack is a collective effort. Jacobs doesn't handle most of the duty by himself like most teams do. I'm surprised Eli made it though. Not saying he isn't a good QB but I feel there are others in the NFC who are better...
  13. It seems.. but even Jacobs has had trouble finding a whole.. usually he warms up in the 2nd quarter for a big run and adrenaline takes over from there.
  14. I get worried when I disagree with you
  15. I don't want to take away anything from BJ. But it's the O-Line's play that dictates how our offense flows. These guys open up holes anyone can run thru and when they play like shit, I don't care who you have back there.
  16. Not to mention other teams are playing for their lives.. figuratively speaking.
  17. The way I see it.. every team has weaknesses. Once other teams figure out what that weakness is, they'll attack it till we fix it. On the defense our weakness is at the LB position. It seems passes are always completed right down the middle. Our pass rush is still adequate but let's not forget we lost Osi early on. Our WR although not superb didn't have time to get open since our O-Line played like shit.. and we all know where Plax is and quite frankly the 2 big drops by Hixon are inexcusable.. you don't have to be a super start to catch those passes.
  18. Yep.. and that's on the linebackers... it's our weakest link on the Defensive side..matched by WR at the offensive side.
  19. naah.. the Cowboys were desperate and played like it.
  20. We have a boatload of picks and WR is a glaring need as well. I look for both WR and LB to be the focus of the draft/FA. I won't be surprised if they go after a stud LB to learn from AP for another year or two.
  21. Well said. To Reese's credit the focus was primarily on the O and D Lines and we've been pretty good at those till the recent rash of injuries/sickness to both. Our focus will be LB and WR this off season..
  22. I think the taller task is containing Smith. Our D played fairly well last night and Dallas wasn't effective running the ball till later in the game when the D was exhausted.
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