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Everything posted by Nas

  1. I don't know about all that.. I think Johnson has shown himself to be a solid starter and can only get better with more playing time... And the price is right too.
  2. Man, I still remember that blitz when he faked out Tom Brady. Classic.
  3. I agree there should be more to greet the King :worshippy:
  4. Thanks for crashing the party dude :brooding:
  5. Not ouf the real of possibilities at all. I'm betting the house Plax is a Giant for a very long time and I'm sure he wants to be a Giant as much as the Giants want him... Wilson coming back even in back up role is also a possibility.. Kawika maybe the most challenging one since I'm sure quite a few other teams would want him.
  6. I think He is... and the prospect of coming back to the Giants (now that he's made a killing $$$ playing for the fiscally irresponsible raiders).. I think he maybe looking forward to coming back to play for a winning team.. who knows.
  7. I don't think anyone is suggesting he'll be a starter.. so long as he's part of the team again. Although I'm salivating at the thought of Kawika in Blue again.
  8. Great sign, I think Burress wants to be a Giant and wants to get himself back up. The article is false when it stated that his agent said his client wants a trade. He simply stated that his client might be available which is very true.
  9. I read the news a few days back and I was shocked.. Hey, times are hard I guess.
  10. I'm for TJ replacing our aging Toomer. However I still think the Giants should do whatever it takes to hold on to Plax.. assuming he stays out of jail.. which by all accounts.. he should.
  11. I missed you too big guy... I, too, work ridiculous hours now.. with lots of traveling. But I keep up with the board mainly to keep certain people honest.. and who said the P&R is repetitive? I've been just cursing people out.. anyone who disagrees with me.. yeah fuck that guy
  12. Techincally it is. But notice he's not fully immersed in water.. he was squatting. If he was standing upright, water would come to his mid-thigh area. So it's not really out of the realm of possibilities.
  13. I didn't know you can server your prison sentence in increments
  14. I think Ward knows he won't get that much.. but he has to start high so the "middle ground" can be reached.
  15. Yes. He did not play and the Giants have every right to recoup the money.. now they maybe doing that to use it as leverage for whatever reason.
  16. I'm hoping for the best. I think the get out of jail free card is still in play.. and the NFL should take the same approach given the Giants suspended Plax which cost them their 2nd super bowl in as many years. The agent "shopping" plax is theater.. the dude is still under contract.
  17. I still do. But now some of you say getting Boldin is unrealistic... fine, it may be too expensive.. so what's the next best thing... we don't get Boldin, go after TJ...
  18. We do have a Plax type receiver already... He wears #17.
  19. I'm sticking with Plax being our #1 WR. TJ seem like a possibility at #2...
  20. It's hard not to be injury prone when you play football the way it's supposed to be played.. no towel tackles and hiding. And with a guy like BJ who hits everyone, his body is bound to take a brusing. I won't hold it against him.
  21. I think the concern is long term deals for big bruising running backs isn't a good idea. I do believe the Giants and BJ will reach a middle of a road deal... meanwhile I just can't stand this period of lull.. nothing but speculations.. rumors.. and no real action.
  22. Will a 6 pack of Bud make up for this?
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