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Everything posted by Nas

  1. In hindsight, I'd say yea... Losing Kawika hurt us... At the time we pretty much all felt he was asking for too much. We've since moved on.
  2. Nas


    I think it's pre-mature to say who's going to start and who isn't. Isn't this what training camp is for?
  3. Maybe that explains why kickers are hard to find...
  4. Yea... I didn't know who to call and where to go. I figured I'll just go there and see what happens. It's not like the Giants have an 800 you can just dial.
  5. Joe, don't know if you knew this but I was there in training camp in 2002 trying to try out for the kicker position.. it was only after my friends insisted I go.. since I was booting 59 and 60 yarders regularly... sadly I was never able to meet the spc teams coach.. and after being in 90+ degree heat all day.. and having woke up at 4 to drive from NYC all the way to Albany.. i was pretty tired by 4 pm and gave up.. Oddly enough I was kickin the ball around where the fans were sittin and a few fans approached me askin me to try out.. 2 children even asked for my autogragh... Amani Toomer spent a little over 10 minutes talking to me and encouraging me to try out... oh well.. that was as close to trying out as i got.
  6. One thing we know for sure.. he can't be a kicker... He can't split the uprights
  7. Yep, I was waiting for someone to make not of the seemingly hot chicks around him... but yea.. I guess that's the power of being gay... girls just don't do it for them (Disclaimer: as per a gay person I know)
  8. Should be used to nuturalize taller receivers in nickle packages.
  9. Not just the salary cap.. evidently the Browns and Cardinals were asking for too much in return for the respective guy who doesn't want to be there. And it's not like the offseason is over.
  10. You know I remember me and my best friend being paranoid in the gym.. it took us 2 minutes to change and get the fuck out... but we're grown men now.. dudes will stare at you regardless.. so long as no one touches you or disrespects you, it's cool.
  11. Why should I head home when I can sit here and shove my dick in your mouth every chance I get, you fuck?
  12. I hope they get him... beats the hell of out him going to any of our rivals.
  13. This wasn't directed at you Pdoub... just the notion that because someone is gay, we have to treat him differently... like less of a human being. I'm sick and tired of it... What do I give a shit if the dude is gay.. so long has he catches those touchdowns, I will be the first slap him on the ass.. lol.
  14. This is pretty stupid... even if the guy is gay, this should have as much influence on anything as the color of his skin... Come to think of it, if he was really gay, then it may even be a bigger reason as to why our team should get him... the only to stand up to ignorance is to confront it head on.
  15. Nas

    Clint Sintim

    The guy is getting fat, slow, and old... welcome to the natural progression of .. well.. growing older. At some point the Giants need to think about grooming someone to replace Peirce... but let's not forget there's always free agency.
  16. Oh Canada... lol It's 85 degrees here in NY..
  17. I can't believe we're sitting here on this unseasonably hot day tracking draft picks.. we're either dedicated fans or....
  18. I have the same prediction as you.. except it's Boldin we're getting.
  19. No good... I'd like to see them give us D- again.
  20. Now that's some breaking news right there.. lol
  21. Nice.. good move. The guy is huge.
  22. What did we give the Eagles for this?
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