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Everything posted by Nas

  1. This may sound weird but I agree with this...
  2. I think we can all agree that Manning does not command a $20M per salary.. even Manning himself will concede to that. However, does that guy have to break the bank and strangle his team's salary cap situation? By that I mean wouldn't it be nice if the guy settled for $10M per year? it's not like it would make much difference for him anyway, right? First.. his whole family is a bunch of millionaires.. and he's pretty much in the highest tax bracket anyway. I think Eli should take the high road and take $12M per.
  3. Thanks for posting Pdoub but this article is a bit too rosy for my liking. A. Peirce is over the hill... I don't give a fuck if he's lost 15 lbs. As a professional you're not supposed to let youreself go. B. Moss... another hamstring injury.. hmm.. ok anyone in pro-sports every heard of fucking yoga? These guys do this for a living.. one or two yoga classes a a week will do wonders for injuries.. guaranteed. C. I like Eli but this whole bullshit about him getting paid "highest in the league" is BS. He's a mediocre QB behind a superb OL and a superb D.
  4. I wouldn't go as far as to call him a cancer, Nem. The dude is not stable but that's as far as I'll take it. Who's to say last year wasn't a learning experience and he's not a better man for it?
  5. Nas

    Giants' MVP

    Actually Lug that's EXACTLY how I've felt all along which ultimately lead me to create this thread. I think Carr can be brilliant behind our OL and with our organization in general. Jacobs carries this team.. he demlishes defenders so his fellow running backs can ran over them... without him the entire team.. defense and offense.. suffer. Well said, my friend. Well said.
  6. Given how most of us here think Jacobs is our MVP, I think this guy is full of it.
  7. Nas

    Giants' MVP

    State your case young man.
  8. Ok I just thought a new topic. Let's examine our roster and our depth chart as it stands now and tell me who would the Giants suffer most if they were to lose him for a decent chunk of time. Examine the back ups and how reliable they'd be to do an outstanding job versus stinking up the joint (who's that back up offensive lineman who kept getting unsportsman-like conduct penalty?
  9. Gotta love the "regards" at the end, UK Jakk is the Michelle Backman of this board.. he's entertaining and should never be taken seriously.
  10. Hey buddy, I'm trying to drive a point across here But seriously a fracture to the knee specially is far more serious than a simple scoping of the knee.
  11. Surprised no one's brought this up: http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/football/giants/index.html
  12. I honestly thought the last 2 seconds of the piece would show that catch... great minds think alike my friend.
  13. Nice post.. although I expected Plax SB TD to be there.
  14. I do believe he's a #1.. but I'm trying to afford the guy here.. work with me
  15. Looking at #s alone isn't fair. I'd fathom to guess the Cards passed a lot more than we did. I'm a big fan of bringing Bolden to NY. Count me as the #1 person calling on the Giants doing whatever it reasonably takes to bring him in
  16. Wouldn't two Boldins be better than one?
  17. I don't know about that.. I just think it's a well thought out and simplified argument that rings true in so many ways. besides H has been pretty wrong on a lot of things in the P&R section.. cut him some slack will ya!!! jk, H
  18. You ain't lyin' :brooding:
  19. Well.. I yaa.. I yaa ?!!! Like a Republican... I got nothing
  20. Well.. (yelling) You All ARE WRONG.. Wrong I tell ya.. Wrong.. Ok, what are we talking about here?
  21. This is the best and most convincing argument.
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