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Everything posted by Nas

  1. Well, let he who has no sin cast the first stone... I just think Plax deserves another chance in blue.. I know it's too late but one can only hope. As excited as I am about the rookie WRs, I just don't think we should go into the season with no veteran WR manning the #1 spot.
  2. Could be a trick (meaning he had the card hidden in his glove to begin with), could be luck.. etc. It's for enetertainment purposes only.. I'm still waiting to hear if we're going to land a veteran wide receiver
  3. Just a screwed up in the head dude who should've real friends around him. But as often the case with these celebs, they're surrounded by ass-kissers and enablers. Ultimately I don't think Plax is a bad person, just someone made a few mistakes.
  4. Yea but he's a Giant and deserves our respect.
  5. Plax did not destroy our team... at least not intentionally... Plax is also the same dude who makde Super Bowl XLII possible for all of us to share those memories. You saw Plax's heart melt the frozen tundra of Green Bay. He made that moment frozen in time and answered all of the outstanding questions surrounding his heart. The dude is a lion who wants a real family to surround him and true friends to watch his back.
  6. I'm not saying he's a model citizen, Tree. I just think we have to distinguish between a flaming asshole like TO and a disturbed individual like Plax.
  7. Thanks for solidifying my point.
  8. And he doesn't come from an impoverished background either so I doubt he'll let money get in the way.
  9. Yes and they're rookies. And who said you can't line them all up anyway? Plax, Nicks, Smith, Barden.. pick your poison.
  10. No he is not. The guy is just like a of over-exposed rich guys who've had terrible childhoods... psychologically screwed up with no one around him looking out for him and protecting him. He's a good person and it shows. Let's not be tho harsh on the man for doing something stupid.. who of us hasn't.
  11. Oh yes I was... I could never get over the towel tackle against Dallas. It was only when his troubles started to surface that I felt for the guy.
  12. I have no problem with them bringing him back. I didn't agree when they let him go as I thought the should give a chance to show he he's ready to man up. Plax is not cancer nor is a bad person and as his biggest critic here, I will be the first to applaud the move.
  13. I hope you're right.. because in the P&R section, you're always wrong.
  14. Do you believe Eli is an Elite QB? Do you think he's worthy of the largest contract in the league right now? I think those the questions asked and based how you answer them... well that's a $20M a year question.
  15. It won't end. Salary cap means owners get to put more money in their pockets.
  16. Well so does Obama's election
  17. It was a great pass that was slightly overthrown and it was Tyree who seems to just keep going up and up in the air to catch it... I would't call it a hail mary. Did we get lucky? You bet.. but every team gets lucky or "unlucky" for that matter... remember our epic collapse against the niners? Where were the refs? We got screwed there didn't we.. what about wide right? We got lucky there didn't we... what about that dude from Dallas dropping the pass in the playoffs.. we got lucky there too... I will contend that Brady threw a whole lot more prayer passes and just hoped Moss would catch them.. and he did. They just weren't that lucky on those very last 2 attempts in the super bowl.
  18. No but what difference does it make if one player's contract paralyzes the team from signing talent?
  19. I disagree with this notion. The teams is the sum of its parts. Take out Eli and insert Carr... who knows Carr may very well out play Eli. I will argue that it's hard to compare QBs if they're on different teams and therefore different talents. Don't take me wrong I like Eli but by the same token, there's a salary cap we have to be mindful of and Eli is a middle of the pack QB who "should" command a middle of the pack contract.
  20. You know, Jack.. you remind me of those old (well not so old) IBM Server commercials.. you know where the dude stands up and admits to doing something stupid among the "support group"'; where they're supposed to be supportive.. but instead they say "That was Stupid, (insert name here)".. well. That was stupid, Jack.
  21. Yea but I'm not too worried about it. I'm glad we found out about it now than in August.
  22. I happened to believe Peirce lost more than a step. Nothing against the guy he's been a star for us.. but the Giants, I think, ultimately either have someone on the roster who will replace him or will make a huge splash next offseason in FA.
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