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Everything posted by Nas

  1. lol, I was just busting your chops, bro.
  2. This is getting gayer by the minute. lol
  3. And I understand that.. we all get old. But so long as Robbins is producing at high level, no need to move him. Personally I think the D-Line collectively make every individual player on that unit better. Having a superb rotation hammers opposing OLs. The result is all DLinmen get a piece of the cake.. and shine.
  4. We're working on it... Bolden or Edwards may very well be here.. but if not.. we're set.
  5. The 49ers should make a stand. Even if to costs them one player sitting there losing on millions of dollars while he's sitting there.. I dno't know how it works but I think the 9ers can hold on to his right the sell them for the right price. Granted this asshole has made the price dip a little. I say the 9ers hold on to his rights and make an example out of him. No. We don't need him and we're allergic to assholes. Nor do we have the cap room anyway. No more thoughts, Mister. The dude is a stupid whore.. we don't need him here.
  6. Alford has a bit of develping to do and Robbins has more than earned his spot in the rotation.
  7. Storm, I'm a kicker.. per se. I played soccer all my life. There are a lot of factors that go into kicking.. and once you made the contact with the ball and it's in the air, you have no control over it.. not the breeze... not anything else. And given the odd shape of the football it's that much harder to aim it with that much accuracy.
  8. Hey easy there buddy. Tree said to plauck a player not rob the church . But yea.. great list lol. btw, how are you recovering?
  9. You mean the over-hyped dude who got busted for steroid use? No thanks, I'd rather pluck a Danny Ware from our opponents that Dallas Cowboys. Him and Canty would be paying Romo a visit in the backfield so much.. just to say hello Ms Braxton .
  10. I don't think Urlacher is where he used to be only a few years ago. He's been mediocre compared to his stellar seasons past. I'd like to say Fitz but I think Nicks will be there in no time.. certainly sooner that it took Fitz. Being that I'm a defensive minded person I'd have to say Demarcus Ware. The guy is simply amazing and in his prime. And it would fill a hole where Perice has been sub-par of late.
  11. You guys are going about this all wrong... You're actually "looking" at other teams.. and you make "sound" comparisions ;). But I go on pure emotions and set the goal so high... that it exhaust me to reach it... and that's where my passion for my team being #1 comes from. I'm disappointed with any loss.. and ever loss. I demand perfection... the Giants 19-0 this year. BRING (props to MJ that's his slogan.
  12. This summbitch got me hungry I swear ::turns around with a moutfull:: And what did he say bout dem Giants again?
  13. Good luck to him. Do we play KC this year? I bet he gets a standing ovation at the Stadium if we do. Edit: Sunday, 10/4 1:00 PM ET FOX @ Kansas City
  14. Now that I think about it.. holy shit it's August already lol.
  15. No one.. not even outside of the NFC.. last I checked we beat the Patriots and the Steelers and those are ranked #2 and # behind the Giants anyway.
  16. I would agree with you. If today was August 3rd, 2011 and Boley hasn't lived up to the "hype"... let's give the man a chance.
  17. Damn, I haven't seen this much good will coming out of htis board so coherently before. I guess we all agree on Boss being a solid player.
  18. And they're no longer in Blue... Plax held out didn't he... he's no longer in Blue... so if this trend holds up, the Giants might've just had the best back to back drafts in the history of the NFL.
  19. Shockey? Didn't he?
  20. That's a bit harsh, Lug. The dude isn't just a WR, he's pretty good on Special Teams. Besides it's not like he's demanding a contract. I sure hope there's a spot for him.
  21. Phew, I'm glad someone else here is sane. Thanks, Tree.
  22. Amen to that RIP, Mr Johnson.
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