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Everything posted by Nas

  1. Isn't that always the case 3 days before the first game? Yet they're all ready on gameday? It's a matter of a team trying to be cautious by letting the stupidest and smallest of "injuries" heal.
  2. I don't see anything inflammatory or disrespectful about he says... except for how proud he seems to be of being a fat-ass in the 10th grade (weighing 250... doubt it was muscle mass but I digress). Other than that what he said wasn't all that contraversial... although I can feel Jacobs licking his chops.
  3. I didn't say you have to be roommates with the guy.. lol.
  4. Depends how you slice it. Could be a rectangle you know
  5. It's Lughead on crack. (I'm on a roll tonight)
  6. Yea the extreme heat is a bitch. And I agree NY is too expensive... for nothing really. But VA maybe a good fit for you. I'm sure VG would make you feel welcomed.
  7. Nas

    Kevin Boss

    The moment I saw the title I know it's something else... I guess it's because I'm smart..
  8. Ok you're probably thinking hot young slim sexy lesbians.. I'm thinkin those manly women with no make up, beach fuzz, and weigh 300 lbs.
  9. Can you find something a little less lesbian-ish?
  10. I think between the two it's a coin flip. We loved Tyree for his heroics and his special teams prowess. Moss hasn't shown anything... even returning kicks; it's like he runs in plance.. a lot of dancing around going nowhere. But it seems in Practice Moss showed a lil more than Tyree...
  11. There're still 19 games to be played dude.
  12. Yea it's gotta suck to live in AZ. What are you doing down there anyway? Move to Yemen dude.. I mean.. New York
  13. I understand that and like Tom Coughlin says "it works both ways"... so even if they "know" what the the pre-snap is, we may just mean something different by it... at the end of the day games are won in the trenches. Wasn't it Bill Parcells who said "teams knew what plays we were running, they just couldn't stop us anyway"?
  14. I'm trying to do the opposite. If I really start thinking about the season, I'd be too anxious... still trying to block it out as though it's August still.
  15. My response to this is.. who gives a shit. Last I checked our team runs over people anyway...
  16. Like this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cw26X7l6wO8&feature=related
  17. Absolutely, his classic when we beat the then 13-0 Denver Broncos catching a bomb from Kent Graham comes to mind.
  18. Dammit, Dog. ::::Karate chops the Dog and kicks Bigblue in the nuts :::
  19. Well said, Dog. Thanks for the constructive debate.
  20. Yea but it's party of the marketing. Can't fault them for it.
  21. No matter what Amani will always be part of the New York Giants and every Giant's fan appreciates his time with us.
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