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Everything posted by Nas

  1. It seems the fuckhead just can't stomach the Giants.
  2. Ouch, joe. Why don't you tell us how you really feel?
  3. I'm not disagreeing with you.. maybe they should work on him softening his hands. I just it's natural for stocky dues with short arms.. to be extra stiff since their pads tend to be wider than average. What I'm not happy with is the # of passes thrown at Boss.. the guy made a great catch yesterday.
  4. That's beyond the point.. a Full Back who can catch passes is just icing on the cake.. the guy is good at what he does.. but let's not throw him passes..
  5. Let's not over-analyze Joe, the guy is stocky as shit and is a full back.. he's not meant to catch passes... put on those heavy pads and see how far you can extend your arms.
  6. The catch itself was pretty good.. the fact that a much bigger defender was keeping up with what's supposed to be our fastest player.. well that sucks. And that could've easily been defended had the defender turned around.
  7. Ok, let me rephrase again.. if we keep leaving points on the field and choke in the red zone, it will bite us in the ass with teams that don't suck as bad as TB.
  8. I don't know why he's taking a while to get going.. I'm hoping he gets it going next week. You can bet Bradshaw playing lights out is gonna light up a fire under his ass.. and we know BJ is competitive and let's not forget how our team played without him late last season. Also, I think it has a lot to do with the way teams line up when BJ is in the line up. He doesn't get enough credit for all the passes Eli is completing to single-covered WRs. P.S. I don't know how I managed to both criticize and defend the guy in the same response
  9. I guess I'm not sure it was because we were dominant or because TB sucked major balls.
  10. What if I'm in Yemen? But wait, DirectTV now let you watch the game online.
  11. ok, let me rephrase that.. we could've scored more. TB blows.
  12. Sometimes I wonder where I'd be now if I'd not given up on trying to try out.. seriously.. I used to make 59 yarders regularly.. 60 yarders that made my friends' jaws drop.. so when tynes missed that 21 yarder.. I'm like wtf.. this is going to bite us in the ass if we don't fix it. My bet is the Giants will be looking to upgrade that position soon.. before this season is over.
  13. Score aside, we didn't dominate... Tampa sucked balls. The 21 yard missed fg by types ticked me off.. our red zone issues are staring us in the face. Glad we're 3-0 though.
  14. I guess this means we're not as "radical" as you think we are... we're as humble and reasonable as you are.
  15. I understand the need for gun laws in places like NYC but they're bullshit.. only cops and retired ones get to carry them.. I'm pretty moderate.. more on the conservative side when it comes to guns and abortion.
  16. I agree that might have been more devistating but luckily that did not happen. As far people defending fools it's because I know the difference between a mere "fool" and a criminal. Plax made a mistake.. that's it.
  17. Nevertheless people don't lose 2 years of their lives for being boneheads. 2 years is an overkill anyway you slice it.
  18. I almost don't care.... The only thing that I care about is the person's health.. whether he plays football or not is secondary at this point.
  19. Maybe I'm down-playing Phillips to reduce the anger I feel for losing him... however I hope all is well for him playing football or not. As far as Rouse.. I thought Nem just misspelled Ross??? I know nothing about him.
  20. Nas


    What G said would be so funny.. if it was so true.. so sad
  21. correct but neither has risen to the point where we could say we would be suffering without them.. yes they have great great potential.. so for now our team is at a strength level where we're not missing much.. when they come back we'll be that much better.
  22. Agreed. For some reason I'm not worried about any of those injuries... maybe it's because we're 2-0 and deep.. not to mention we have a pretty disciplined team. And like you said, I'd rather deal with these injuries now than later on in the season.
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