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Everything posted by Nas

  1. Nas

    Good game

    Still.. Bill Sheridan has been the game long enough to make adjustments.. and we didn't have to wait till half time to thing Blitz.. they were burning us anyway.. might as well
  2. There's an un-written rule, badegg.. a rule that says.. if your team is in a worse sheep, then you shall not talk smack. You barely escaped out of KC with a win..
  3. Once again, Fish.. great assessment.
  4. Jesus W Christ, rph... way to be optimistic dude... we're 5 and 1 for god's sake.
  5. Nas

    Good game

    Is this a hoax? boohyah being .. thoughtful? P.S. If anyone thought this was below the belt, throw your flags...
  6. What seems to me like a no-brainer.. try to trade for Oakland's kicker.
  7. Nas

    Good game

    The one that I would call game changing was the bullshit PI call against Webster... that would've stopped the Saints' momentum.. we were all looking for a stop.. a stop that didn't come till the 3rd quarter.
  8. Nas

    Good game

    I don't think that would be the case at all.. people here who get on someone's case usually do it against dudes like badegg or the dog... who talk smack in the first place.
  9. 13-6 Raiders with 9:41 remaining in the 4th
  10. This one is on Sheridan. our D looked lost out there and Brees could just stand back and sip a corona.
  11. There was plenty of contact there and Sharper never turned to look at the ball... no call though...
  12. Fuckin finally... and way to go Hixon.
  13. Yea the plan was to get a stop so we can score again... it's not going well though.
  14. Bill Sheridan is laying his first egg.
  15. We need a stop... Where's the fuckin blitz... it's not like we're faring in a better.
  16. not if our defense stays on the field like this.
  17. The offense is performing ok.. we're just not getting to Brees.
  18. We're not getting pressure on Brees.
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