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Everything posted by Nas

  1. I don't remember that game.. I've learned to tune out games when our team lays out an egg... for one.. the botched field goal. I think it was on Feagles not Tynes. then the last offensive drive.. 1st and goal on the 4th yard line.. we didn't pass because SD was playin the end zone more than the line.. and we still failed to punch it in.. oh and we allowed SD to come back driving pretty much the length of the field.. so Special teams had a fuck up.. O had a fuck and our D had a fuck up...
  2. Personally, I feel we have future stars in Boley and Sintim. We did address the LB issue by drafting Sintim... we were thinking long term after having addressed what all of us here have agreed is our biggest need, that of a receiver. I think landing a stud MLB to replace the aging pierce is in order. Nothing against Pierce but we all get old. I think ahead of safty our second biggest need on defense is a smart DC.
  3. I think Feagles bobbled the snap.
  4. If 5-11 can help us get rid of our OC and DC, I'll take it.
  5. The obvious: Tynes cost us the game. The defense failed to stand up when it mattered. Although I wasn't too upset when we settled for a field goal to go up 6, I thought it was much more prudent to punch it in. Worst case scenario, we fail and SD would have to drive down and wouldn't be as aggressive as all they need would be a FG to tie the game. The Good: We saw glimpses of our D. Seeing the DL throw a party around phillip Rivers was a good sign.
  6. Which game? Singular? P.S. Gilbride sucks.
  7. True. Thanks Clarence, I'm gonna look for CBS.
  8. They're showing the last 4 minutes of TB and GB game down here in Atl. Are you guys seeing hte same thing.
  9. I'm in Atlanta.. at the CNN Center no less. The food court downstairs is packed by fans (I found out the metrodome is right outside the hotel). Tickets go for around $50... I didn't know to laugh or cry. They were shocked to hear in NY we can't find tickets unless you're willing to give up your first born. Anyway.. go Giants.
  10. Extremely well said Seph. Eli, however, is not a cold weather QB generally speaking. Yes he's had some good games for the most part, Eli struggles when it's code. He excels if he warms up... that's why when our defense struggles, I wonder why Eli is sitting down and getting cold instead of throwing the ball to get loose and stay loose. It's a mazing what some tiny fixes too. Much like requiring one or two Yoga classes a week during the offseason and maybe once a week during the seaons. That alone can eliminate the majority of muscle pulls.. such has a hammy or a quad and the pectorial muscle. I can fathom that would've prevented Eli from hurting his foot... it was to cold and too stiff so it got overstretched. That being said, great post man.. great post. We've knwon for a while that Pierce is a liability but his talents are rare and unique. He's probably our 2nd most glaring weekness in the defense. I bet Sintim although not a natural middle linebacker can do a great job. Or Sintim Pierce and Boley. Then our first rounder is a stud MLB to take over for Peirce immediately or down the line... if we do not address our safety position via free agency meaning if we don't plan on it, I don't mind seeing us get a stud safety in the 2nd round and if a really good player is available late first or early 2nd round then we shoulldn't shy away from moving up to snatch him. We have a lot of good young promising players on this team. Say what you want bout our receiving corp has impressed us. How many of you could say they expected this much output from them? My bet is none.. including me. Smith, Nicks, And Manningham (don't worry about his drops, the kid got what it takes. Those three alone make us a threat and Boss is reliable.. and Beckum is gonna play a great role. We drafted Beaty.. not sure how they will shuffle the line but he is meant to replace Kareem McKenzie as he's now often injured and is not getting any younger. Our problmes are in the defense folks. There two people on the offense I would cut... Gilbride and Moss. That's it. Defense is where it's at. And Sheridan is way over his head. Man I was we can land a stud DC next year. I miss the Giants totally manhandling people.. We're not a finesse team.. we're big blue-collared.
  11. Yea but he's "tech support" Brown . Their slogan is "what can Brown do for you!!" (from the daily show)
  12. There's only one option for Brown. Cut him. He's useless.
  13. This has to be the most confusing post ever. And no more drinking for me.. I'm not the same since that night where the Giants drove me to drink. I will need therapy if they lose this game.
  14. I don't have sound on this computer but it seemed odd that the QB would throw the ball to no one...
  15. Simplifiying the problems (plural) as mere commnucation problem (singular) is dishonest. That's the epitome of incompetence. They say once is an accident.. twice is a trend and three times.. well we're just fucked. Did these players just start playing togehter? Didn't they get their asses handed to them by the Saints? THREE FUCKING WEEKS AGO? And it's not just "poor tackling" and "bad angles" FUCK YOU SPOILED MILLIONAIRES... it's flat out AVOIDING THE FUCKING TACKLES. I saw it during the game against the Eagles as I sure as hell see it in mere pick up games. I applauded the Giants for promoting Sheridan because we all need to further our careers. What I didn't know is is how ill-qualified he is. YOU DON'T just lay an egg in the game of the year (Saints) and you sure the fuck don't let warner beat you... and you sure as fuck don't get blown out by the Eagles... our division foe whom we respect a great deal... evidently a few bad apples on that defense are to blame... CC Brown has no heart.. no skill and no fucking pride... Fuck him, fuck Sheridan, fuck Gilbride.. oh and fuck Eli for throwing in to triple coverage.
  16. I don't know the answer to that. That's why we have a front office and a practice squad. I'm willing to bet Tyree would've played better at Safety than the statue we have now. Besides, the moment we knew Phillips was gone for the season, trades should've been made.
  17. That's the direct result of a pathetic schedule in our first 5 games. Not buying.. Once is an accident.. twice is a trend.. three times Sheridan can go fuck himself. It doesn't take a genius to figure out CC Brown does not belong in the NFL... period.
  18. I think we'll do better than 9-7. Don't know why I think that given CC Brown is still on the team today. However It remains to be seen if Sheridan gets his act together. All in all I think he will be fired and we'll be able to bring a high value DC. Gilbride sucks but TC likes him..
  19. I will never stop being a Gaints fan but I now can see when people have no heart. Some players just quit.. flat out quit. Remember how we used to blast and make fun of dudes who avoid tackling BJ? Well some of our own were avoiding tackles... that's fuckin lame.
  20. No the coach has earned his respect. I think it's us whose expectations of the coach are unreasonably high. Coach is only a cheerleader.. in a masculine way. Other than that.. what?
  21. yea I would do that too except I will have to think about this year's team... talk about withdrawal symptoms... sheesh.
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