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Everything posted by Nas

  1. We got over that.. We've played lights out in the spotlight as of late.
  2. get wasted at home then drive to the bar
  3. Phew I feel relieved. Thanks guys.
  4. For those of us who don't get NFL Network, but are locals, is there a chance we'd be able to watch the game? Or Will I have to rely on my laptop?
  5. Agreed. Sometimes I wonder what game people were watching.. i know our problem yesterday was the D... the O was spectacular.
  6. Nas


    Correct but im not sure DTs are the problem.
  7. Nas


    You know I've been distracting myself from watching this game.. multi-tasking. so now we need a stop... 3:42 to go...
  8. Nas


    And unless this gets fixed quick, we'll be one and done if we get to the playoffs.
  9. Nas


    How the fuck is our D ranked #1? we're gettin run over.
  10. Nem, AP is on the decline.. and this kind of injury is not something to take lightly.. he's better off taking the money he's made playing in the NFL and move on to other things in life. AP has been very good for the Giants.. so was Amani Toomer.
  11. No he shouldn't... he did what any friend would do.. and Plax shouldn't be in jail either but that's another topic. The point is, AP has what seems to be a serious injury... I wish him well.
  12. Jack, no need to be a jackass.. we know AP has lost a step.. who the fuck doesn't? Right now I'm more concerned with the man's well being more than wins or losses. Secondly, Blackburn has shown to be solid at times and at this time we have no fucking choice anyway. He can only get better.. if u wanna look at the bright side. Right now Blackburn is a slight downgrade from AP simply because AP is slower. Now if I see Sintim and Boley on the filed with him, I'd be happy... and for those of you who shit on Danny Clark, the guy is a very solid back up and isn't exactly breaking the bank cap-wise.
  13. Even the fucking bye week can't go by without a damn injury. Not that AP was solid anyway but we just don't have his replacement groomed yet. I can see Blackburn in the Middle and Sintim and Boely on either side.
  14. I don't see why there seems to be a revolt against Danny Clark. The guy doesn't make millions of dollars... For the money he's making, he's been very solid. At least he doesn't avoid tackles like that asshole safety with dreads.
  15. This has been my #1 issue with the Giants..a lot of those injuries are preventable.
  16. Yea had the Giants had the wisdom to let players heal completely before playing them in games at less than 100% strength, maybe would've had more healthy players playing at the same time. Nevertheless I'm optimistic about the upcoming games.. we'll win our next two... I said it.
  17. To fill the void of the bye week.
  18. That's predicated on the outcome of this season. We win and he's the luckiest man alive becuase it's better to be lucky than good... we stink up the season and heads will roll in the coaching staff and Gilbride will be first to go... some players will be cut for good.. like Moss..
  19. Yea but we lost Moss for the season
  20. I smell a mispronunciation.. what's that supposed to mean?
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