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Everything posted by Nas

  1. I hate predictions... I just hope we win.. and if we do, watch our confidence skyrocket... and be the hottest team in the NFL. Let's not forget all the injuries especially on the defensive side of the ball... remember our new guys had to get their feet wet... Goff had a decent first start... Ross is pluggin a weakness nicely... Hopefully Webster gets out of his slump.. if u call it that... and watch our DL rotatioin work out for the better... but only if we win Sunday night.
  2. I don't know man, I guess I feel Plax is a good dude and I wan't him to retire a Giant.
  3. I want Plax back. I want us to be part of a great story.. of the troubled receiver who was given a 2nd chance.. by the very organization that brought him here.... man all you gotta do is look at his performance in the frozen tundra... if that performance doesn't make a case for the man and I don't know what would. If you think what we have now is good, imagine Plax added to it... Bring back the warrior.. bring him back Reese.
  4. Yea both close games and Dallas has the better record.. so why not. Rankings mean nothing aside from being a topic of discussion. What was our rank when we sacked Brady in AZ?
  5. That's about right.. another close game between two good rivals... The Eagles got our #... so as far as I'm concerned, this is the most important and toughest game of the season.
  6. I know but let's assume this last month of his career didn't happen... what are the odds he's better than Tynes?
  7. 11-5 Pdoub... 11 and 5... Believe it and it will happen.
  8. Suisham or however you spell his name is better than Tynes, no?
  9. I love the Giants but I wanna get in the playoffs in our own right.. we earn it.. not because some teams are helping us out. Fuck New Orleans and Minny...
  10. I don't see us choking against Washington.. they're pretty good at finding ways to lose.
  11. If the scenario Tree painted takes place, then we'd be tied with philly by record and head to head but we beat them with Division record as we'd only have one loss they'd have two.
  12. http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/time_out_Dwb4C696wEKgB4EEhyMdTK
  13. Nas

    Mike'd Up

    He said the block the TE threw on BJ's big catch and run was a clear hold. Then he said Smith didn't hold on to the ball when it was stripped after his back was on the fucking ground.. wow this guy is a fuckin moron.
  14. not related but the Skins choked... they could've beat the Saints.
  15. I'm not worried. Every game takes a shape of its own. We're capable of beating the Eagles and we don't have a choice anyway. Next Sunday I will create the gameday thread.. no polls no bs.. win or go the fuck home.
  16. Great win for us but we need to find a way to stop opposing TEs. We also were bailed out by BJ and Hixon... we got our work cut out for us still.. glad Goff got his first look.. he can only get better from here.
  17. Yea, I'm pissed no one upper-cuted his ass in that fight... shoving is for pussies... break his jaw and both of his legs.
  18. I like Aikman.. and I sure as hell like the sound of Joe Buck when he said "Eli Manning... stays on his feet.. airs out down field and IT'S CAUGHT BY TYREE!!!"
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