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Everything posted by Nas

  1. To be fair it did look like an incomplete pass. Driving to work today all I could think about is all the what-ifs that could've easily won us the game. What if BJ didn't fumble on our first series... that's a 14 point turn around.. or at least they don't get free 7 points. If Eli didn't fumble the ball "sliding"... What if we didn't give up the quick TD soon after we took the lead. Make no mistake about it we outplayed philly... with about half of our defense on IR. I have never felt so good about a loss... maybe I'm getting older and wiser.. so long from the days I'd get physically sick and would have such a short temper my friends wouldn't even dare talk about the Giants after a loss... I rememebers years back when I stepped up to a friend who's 6 3" 234 lbs... to this day we still laugh about it... Yep, a tough loss... mark at as one of 3 games this season we should have won. Now all I can say is we need to make the playoffs... which means I'd like to see philly again. Go Giants. Question: Who's the young DT we lost for the season? I forgot his name? I was thinking about our D and what fixes we need and I don't think we're missing that many pieces... a stud safety and a stud MLB... not sure what else.
  2. I don't think that's Collinsworth was alluding to. Collinsworth criticized Manningham for not selling the fake long enough to get the defender to bite. It would mean Manningham would have had more space to catch the ball. In Manningham's defense, this is a sign of how quick he is... he's too quick for his own good. He's a kid... give him tie to grow.. and watch. Watch him, Smith, and Nicks be a trio like no other.
  3. Don't you mean Manningham? As stated previously the TD pass sailed on Eli leaving Manningham with little room... if he stays in bounds he doesn't catch the ball... We need Toomer to tutor him though.
  4. Wow, it's not like the guy wasn't trying. He's just not fit for the job.. but let's not hate the man.
  5. I'm sure that was said about New England two years ago.
  6. I'm no fan of Sheridan... however I don't think you can judge the man's performance based on a few games where his team is missing a lot f peices... we lost our Safety for the season... our MLB is gone and even when he was on the field he was pretty much a weak link. Our D-Line is not the same... Osi, based on his performance, hasn't fully recovered and neither has our DTs. In other words, on the Defensive side of the ball, we're playing with a lot of bench warmers. Having said that, I don't think Sheridan is the answer at DC
  7. I'm with you, Jim. Last night's game was pretty exciting.... both fan bases went on an emotional roller coaster with some many Oh Fuck.. and YEAAAA lol. I won't repeat what you said here as I agree with all of it but I will add that Philly's last drive looked like when Bret Favre and has packers beat us with quick short passes. Overall great game... I think the one play that took the air out of us was Eli fumbling.
  8. Oh I could barely roll out of bed this morning but it's not because of the game but because I played about 9 basketball games, worked out, and worked over the weekend... the game was exciting.. a shoot out.. I don't know if me and you should be happy our teams can score or maybe we should be concerned our Ds suck major ass. Good win for you guys, I definitely ain't mad at the Eagles.
  9. lol, to be fair onside kicks are very tough no matter who kicks it.. tis a coin flip.
  10. I'm not mad at the kid. Say what you want but he's exceeded everyone's expectations with his play. That last catch, he had to adjust to it because it was floating towards the sideline... Only Amani Toomer would've made that catch. Mario is still raw and he can only get better from here... Nicks got a few drops out of his system in this game. In short, WR will not be our worry for years to come...
  11. Quick Observation about Steve Smith: When he catches the ball close to his body it's money.. when he has to extend his arms, his fingers are facing the wrong direction.. hence this last drop we just saw... granted it wasn't that easy of a would-be-catch. $0.02 This game is fuckin tense...
  12. Phew, close call.. I had to work on a Sunday which hasn't happened in.. well years. And the job had to be completed before tomorrow morning... Settling down now.. GO GIANTS!!!
  13. And why not. We root for a team that plays with heart. I don't mind losing if they leave it all on the field but I do have a problem when they flop.
  14. Don't care about the AFC, but that's how I see it. Dallas got a tough schedule and they have scum bags on their team like influenza adams.
  15. I guess that's why I was more pissed the Giants didn't body slam his fat ass in that melee. or sneak in an upper-cut underneath his face mask. Give him a taste of his own medicine then tell Godell to go fuck himself.
  16. Given his history of infractions, I'd say yes but since he's a cowboy... I guess I understand the league didn't wanna piss off Jerry.
  17. He's not young anymore, Jack. Amani lasted long in this league because he made it his mission to stay in great shape and adapt to getting old by focusing on muscle flexibility.. etc. I remember talking to him in the summer of '02 and I specifically asked him if he'd lost weight or was it me. He said no he'd shed about 15 to 20 lbs because he changed his workout to focus more on being lean and flexible... at his age now its near impossible to keep up with younger guys... it's a fact of life.
  18. Right on. Isn't usually the MLB who covers TEs? EIther Goff can be a pleasant surprise or I expect our 1st rounder to be a stud MLB
  19. He will be if he helps us get another championship. I don't think I've ever seen a receiver play lights out like Plax did in Green Bay... Plax is in the midst of his career and by far a very very good receiver. Yes, but I feel the shooting incident, jail.. etc has humbled Plax. I'm all for 2nd chances...
  20. I don't see a high scoring affiar... the weather will be brutal and I think our D will play better seeing how the likes of Goff and Rouse are only getting better. And I think our D-Line will key in on stopping the run and will be in McNabb's face all night.
  21. I don't see the cowboys making the playoffs if we beat the Eagles. The boys have a tough schedule and I see the Giants and Eagles making the playoffs... not dallas... maybe next year?
  22. Jack is either the craziest fuck here.. or the 2nd smartest
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