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Everything posted by Nas

  1. Yes but it's not over... that's the sign of a real team... a team that tries to dig itself out.. even if it suffers a few losses in the process... maybe the 2nd half of Descember is our time... we wake up and steam-roll our way in... we're in this for the ride, Storm... and the ride doesn't stop till your team is sittin home... then u get to watch other teams.. who would you rather watch?
  2. Just what makes you think those teams are all better than us? I don't get it... even the Saints have major flaws... Washington gave them the game... Arizona? Didn't we give them the game too? Well we're in the playoffs for a little payback.... beat Arizona, beat Philly, beat the saints... and beat the Chargers... all paybacks.
  3. You know storm, you maybe right that you have never seen a defense this atrocioius on a giants team.. however it seems clear that the problem is not so much players as it it's coaching... Bill Sheridan has failed.. miserably. We can make the playoffs and make a splash and still get a DC worth a damn... hell if it's up to me I'd hire a DC right now...
  4. Don't know much about Nolan... I grew up watching Fox at DC and I remember how I felt when he left for Carolina.
  5. I'm totally with Jim on this one storm. Yep, I will bitch about the Giants after a loss... but as the next game gets closer, I'm cheering again. Say what you want but the game against the Eagles is our 3rd game this season we should have won.... and it all has to do with luck... pure luck. Go Giants.
  6. You're on some wacko-shit, Jack. Fox made a mediocre defense play lights out. Fox presided over the D when our only source of hope came from the D. Much love to Spags but he had a mature Michael Strahan at his disposal.. he had an in-prime Anotonio Peirce... I'd be ecstatic with either one fo these guys but if I had to choose, I'd Fox comes home.
  7. I'm curious to know if a coach of another team that's no longer in contention.. say the Rams or or the Panthers... can that coach go and work for another team if his employer allows him to do so?
  8. I wouldn't call any of our players "stupid". I think they need a better leadership... Sheridan has disappointed me.. I'd rooted for him stating that it's my preference to hire from within... and I'm not sure if Bill maybe just need another year to learn... but I'm not sure that's gonna happen... and I'd rather have someone proven... I'm praying for John Fox to come home... Remember I think of of the Mara's or the Tisches told him that in NY he'll always have a home.
  9. So the guy who threw at least TWO punches to the head of another player and the guy who didn't get fined the same exact amount... way to go asshole
  10. Yes because some of us were in diapers still
  11. The dog is almost right.. You see, dog, the Giants had the best reason to make it to the playoffs... we kept NE from talking trash to the rest of the NFL... for LIFE. You owe us one.
  12. Give the kid a break. This is his first year seeing action and I dare anyone here to say he has not surpassed thier expectations. He will learn the art of keeping his feet inbounds and you can only pin the first pass on him.. the second sailed on Eli.
  13. Oh come on storm.. talk about the glass is half empty. My God were pretty much were the underdogs in all 4 playoff games. And what is it about philly? we gave the game to them.. and we scored 38 points on them... the only reason they're not the one's bitched out for allowing that many points is because they won.. luckily for them.
  14. Funny because I was thinking about this while driving to work this morning... Osi is not performing.. that's the bottom line. However he was sidelined last year and should come on strong next season when he's fully healed. I see him, Tuck, and Kiwi staying at DEs. Bernard is a huge bust and will get cut.. Canty, Cofield, and Alford are our DTs. I see AP getting cut too.. and the makeshift safeties we have now.. maybe Rouse stays for depth but even that is slim.
  15. Agreed but Ramses hasn't gotten his chance either. the WR position is one position we can all say we're set... Barden included in the mix.
  16. Yea UK that's one of the primary reasons I'd hate to go back to the Middle East for good.. how the fuck am I gonna watch the Giants? Hopefully the technology can catch up where they'd have wireless TVs (internet streams suck). And also staying up for the game.. But I agree with you the game was exciting... I don't think I've had so many ups and downs in one game lol.
  17. BJ does NOT have a fumbling problem. Oddly enough when I saw him with those rubber sleeves, I thought WTF is he wearing.. I thought that before he fumbled because I know what those things do to the player holding on the ball... I only fumbled the ball once in my life... and it was because I was wearing something similar.. .safe to say I took them off right away the same way BJ did. However seeing BJ run the ball the way he did told me our boy is back... Like I stated before I don't think I've ever felt so good about a loss... so good in the sense that yea I was pissed we lost but our team showed life... unlike that dreaded Denver game.
  18. Thanks Pdoub. I know I shouldn't forget his name as I remember that sack on Brady as if it was yesterday... but hey, I blame on my caffeine-free diet
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