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Everything posted by Nas

  1. it doesn't have to be everything... he's not fit for the job. Nothing against his person... but as a DC, he's not fit for the job.... that's like askin Jakk to be the voice of reason on here... not happenin' If Sheridan stays at DC, I will be for a very long time and will avoid watchin the Giants to preserve my health.
  2. He will come back to form next year. He is not back to the Osi of old yet.. even if he feels he is..
  3. lol, yea it's funny how xxi-xxv-xLii, sits back n not say anything till someone says something like this.. xxi-xxv-xLii, Jim, Fish among others help keep this place sane...
  4. We just proved that a very smart man is capable of creating stupid threads. You concur?
  5. It's not hard to root for another team.. it's damn near impossible to root for the cowboys though. And I thought Tyree signed with the Ravens... him and Eli only combined for the greatest play in NFL history.
  6. I don't get all the infatuation with Cowher... I really don't. Why are we lookin for those old washed up coaches who are.. retired and will retire soon after they take over any fanchise? Who's coaching the saints? Who's coaching the Rams?
  7. Yea, i think it will stay away from this whole debate.. won't make fun of his team when/if they lose but won't bother to fake cheer either.. lol.
  8. This is a war between two greedy fucks... fuck them both.. who gives a shit.
  9. I would feel the same way if I was him... they used him as a scape-goat... they benched him. And it's true that might've played his last game as a Giant... if Sheridan comes back.
  10. What's worse is out of all the teams in the NFL the cowboys would be dead last I'd "root" for. I can't say I hate them because I don't like the word "hate" but let's just say they're ranked 50th out of 32 teams
  11. Trust me, Jim I get a sick feeling in my stomach just thinking about rooting for the cowboys and I'm lousy at faking anything so that won't work. I will sit in front of the TV and try but if I get nauseous, I will apologize to him and say sorry.. no can do. And yes Golfing, It feels like I already drank drano just thinking about this whole thing.
  12. Osi isn't back yet because of his surgery not because of lack of effort. Osi is a damn good player and I would hate to see him leave the Giants. Sheridan should get fired.. nothing against the guy but he's not fit for the job... Tim Lewis and Lynn come to mind... bringing a DC with fire and skill will do wonders for our D. As far as the Draft all I can think about is Cushing and Orakpo.... the Giants have to land a player in that mold.
  13. Osi was trying to make a point... 13 plays by the 3rd qtr is laughable... In other words, Osi has a point and it stands.
  14. Ok, I'll make it nice and short... my best friend called me yesterday and basically said that since the Giants are out of the playoffs that I should root for Dallas since he rooted for the Giants in '07. I obliged.... But it feels awkward just thinking about it let alone trying to root for Jerry Jones' team.
  15. Yea, when I heard the announcers say Fox's been coaching the Panthers for 8 years, I was like wow.. it seems like it was 2 years ago he was with us... and Spags was here for such a brief time too...
  16. Lately we've had terrible luck with DCs... aside from Spags of course. So if there's one move that will instantly upgrade our D, it's getting a damn good DC.
  17. Say what you will about Osi but the one glaring difference this year is Sheridan.
  18. I don't know about Gilbride... yes there have been bone-headed plays that he called but what OC doesn't have those? Eli has his best year... statistically speaking... it was our D that couldn't hold anyone.
  19. Let me say this... there's no such thing as "I am no longer a (insert team here) fan".. no such thing.. once a fan.. always a fan no matter how many pretenders we have on the current team. I'm sad, disappointed and even depressed at how the season has gone down... but to say I'm not a fan or will no longer be a fan would be utter bullshit.
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