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Everything posted by Nas

  1. That peter king is an asshole.. but that's another topic for another discussion on a different section in this forum.
  2. Having an IQ of over 140 myself, It's not necessarily a sign of wisdom. Being pretty intelligent sometimes means we overanalayze a problem. We tend to look at life thru X's and O's... when life is far more complicated than to be solved withe a formula... You maybe smart Jack, but somehow you speak before you think... what gives?
  3. I said I knew of people, didn't say they were my associates.
  4. A crowd that believes in forgiveness and 2nd chances. A crowd that roots for the underdog...
  5. It's fucked up athat a man is sentenced to server TWO FUCKING YEARS in jail for bullshit. I know people who've served 50 fucking days after getting caught with hundreds of pills of ecstacy... Hopefully in 2 more months Plax applies and I wish I know when he gets out because I would drive to that jail to be one of the first to greet him.
  6. Two very different functions. I can kick far but my punt will be very high and will land 15 yards away at best.
  7. Yep which is there is alot that's not being said... there must've been drama... the line played like shit this season too...
  8. Bullshit, blue. Grass is greener on the other side.
  9. Personally, I don't think the change warrants that much change in personnel. A few things here or there but who's to say we can't play both.. depending on what the opposing O is throwing at us.
  10. There has to be more to it and we'll never find out...
  11. that's one great observation.... even if he didn't have the personnel, it's his job to bitch, complain, and jump and up and down for the FO to get him playmakers... all in all, it was Sheridan. Good riddance.
  12. I don't know about that man. This team has what it takes to go back to the SB. We're a few fixes away from that.
  13. I needed to remind you... heck im trying to make this competitive for Allah's sake. People need to catch up...
  14. Still what the dude was wrong. Sounds like he's a self-righteous prick. P.S. Welcome back VG and Happy 2010
  15. My guess is RC will have better success as DC than HC.
  16. Correct but we're a run first team despite a couple of Gilbride out of character game plans. Point is Glibride's pros far outweigh his cons. We let John Fox go to Carolina and as tough as it was to keep him, maybe we should've made an effort to do so...
  17. Oh come on his teammates played just as much a part of his success as he played in theirs.
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