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Everything posted by Nas

  1. I agree and as much as I like Peppers, he seems to be at his prime if not past it... I'm for FA whose best days are still ahead of them.
  2. I'm a draft dummy but my gut tells me we're going for a MLB... and we may even trade up for someone we really like... mark my words because when it comes to these things I'm always wrong (almost)
  3. I heard on the radio that the Giants will not pursue him. Thought it was odd for the Giants to announce that... I wasn't kindda half payin attention till I heard "The NY Giants" somewhere..
  4. Please tell me that was doctored.
  5. Actually that's more of a reason to sign him... at least till the dude we drafted last year comes along.
  6. Since our main focus in the draft will be MLB, I think we end up signing a very good veteran either at RB which I think is likely or someone like Darren Sharper just in case our safety doesn't come back 100% of find a way to get them on the field together. I just think since Derrick Ward left us, our running game suffered. The OL will be fine.
  7. What's there not to like? BJ lacks confidence right now. He's a bruiser and every bruiser pays a price for his bruising.. by way of injury. Thomas Jones can be the super good version of Derrick Ward. This will bring back what's that saying again? Earth... Fire .. milkawhat?
  8. Whoever asked the question was just trying to start something. Reese's response was appropriate even though deep down inside, he was probably laughing
  9. I don't think you can count on McKenzie staying healthy. His age is showing signs. I liked what Reese said about Barden.
  10. I'm sure the only reason they released this SOB is because they have another SOB in store.
  11. Then Eli will figure him out and be even better at QB. It's a win-win.
  12. Plax oh Plax.. I wish the Giants sign him as soon as he gets out of jail.
  13. I hate it when you speak in tongue
  14. Watch the Redskins sign him from us.
  15. I maybe biased but I feel the Giants underperformed this season. I think the Giants are super-bowl caliber team. But it's only February.... damn jack lol
  16. My thoughs: - Thank you AP for all the years you gave us. You were an integral part of our defense for so many years. - It's become clear that at least age has caught up with AP, much like any other athlete (Toomer comes to mind). The team did the right thing here as we need new talent at the position. - I don't think AP will be signed by any team... at least as a starter. Personally I think he should hang 'em up but that's only my opinion. - How the fuck does Pdboub get all the updates seconds after they're announced? I'm beginning to think pdoub works for the Giants FO.
  17. Any RB is as good as OL allows him to be. Why is BJ any different?
  18. lol, well CCase is our guy. Congrats to him, the Saints, and Shocky.
  19. Nas


    that would be disturbing.
  20. Nas


    that would be disturbing.
  21. Torn miniscus usually refurs to one or more tares on the tissue between the knee bones. All the surger does is remove the parts that are hanging there causing the pain. I can't say im the same after my surgery but it feels a whole let better than before. Shit, before the surgery, I'd limp for days if not weeks after physical activities. P.S. I'm going under the knife friday to repair a torn Achilles tendon. Good times
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